Page 89 of A Slice of You

‘Patrick told me to go home; Daniel told the head chef I slept with him, and I think Patrick believes it.’ I burst out crying. Mum walked towards me with her arms out and swooped me into herarms like a mother goose. She rubbed my back with soothing pats.

‘Patrick doesn’t believe that, does he? He should know you better than that by now,’ she spoke into my hair.

I let go of her and took a step back with my arms folded.

‘We’ve only been together for just over a month, and his ex-girlfriend cheated on him. He’s got his own trust issues, and he previously asked me if Daniel tried to sleep with me, and I told him no, and now he probably thinks I’m lying.’ I let out a sigh and dabbed my fingers under my eyes. ‘And you’re right. He should know me better than that.’ An image invaded my mind of me and Deb having a threesome with Daniel, and I felt acid reflux fizz up my throat as I quickly dismissed the thought.Yuck, never.

‘Look, don’t worry about it, sweetheart.’ She reached out to brush the loose hair from my face. ‘You didn’t do anything wrong, and you have nothing to feel guilty about. He will come to his senses.’

It seemed like every day I was reminded of my past and the people from my past. No matter how hard I tried to escape from it, and them, I couldn’t. They were inescapable.

‘I hope so, Mum. I really do, because …’ I thought of the way Patrick looked at me every morning when we woke up together and started to choke up. ‘Sorry, Mum. I’m just going to clean myself up in the bathroom.’ I didn’t wait for her response as I headed down the hall.

Once I was alone in the bathroom, I grabbed my phone and texted Daniel.

Me:If you don’t message Patrick the truth, I will tell everyone what you said to me and that you were touching my thigh inappropriately and were erect, you sick pig.

I never told Patrick about Daniel telling me I needed a good fuckbecause then I’d have to go into the full extent of whathappened and how I used to catch him staring at my bum but ignored it, all so I could earn some money and be independent. The truth was his behaviour made me feel weak for staying there and putting up with his abuse, and I wanted Patrick to see me as strong and as a girl who didn’t put up with that behaviour. I loved the way Patrick saw me and didn’t want anything to jeopardise that.

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered Daniel perving at my breasts. I couldn’t believe he had the guts to actually stroke my thigh with his hand while he spat abuse in my face. And what was the most disgusting thing of all was he was turned on by abusing me; it made his penis hard. What an absolute pig.

Daniel (Ex-Boss):And what supposedly have I lied about?

Me:What the hell is wrong with you? You’re a repulsive liar. Not that you care, but you may have just cost me my job and my boyfriend. You’re so immature making up that Debra and I had a threesome with you. God you’ve got some sick fantasies running through your head.

Daniel (Ex-Boss):I cost you, your job? Listen here woman, you ruined my pizzas walking out like that. I had to pull pizzas from the menu because everyone is incompetent twats who can’t make pizza dough. I’m done-zo with Noosa anyway, I’m moving. So, deal with your petty shit yourself, woman. And nice to hear you finally filled your hole with something other than a dildo. Catcha.

I didn’t bother messaging him back or getting upset over his vulgar language – it was a waste of time. I knew what I had to do, and I wouldn’t get it done by wasting any more energy on Daniel.


Christmas Wonderland

Ichecked my phone for the twentieth time. Nothing. It was 11pm, and I still hadn’t heard one word from Patrick. I felt sick to my stomach, so much so that I couldn’t eat Mum’s famous Greek salad at dinnertime four hours ago. My body remained limp, slumped on the Chesterfield couch as I wept into the velvet. When I finally gained some strength, I walked outside onto a patch of damp grass and looked up at the sky to clear my head. Even the charcoal sky seemed heavy with sadness as thick clouds floated by, covering the twinkling stars.

A loud sigh escaped my lips. I looked at the grass, ready to make my way back inside, as a bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating the backyard in an electric purple. Rain began falling from the sky and hit my skin like bullets. I ran for shelter and went back into the lounge room. I sank back into the couch and sat there staring at the floor. As I looked up, Mum’s Amalfi Coast painting caught my eye, and that magical feeling of my love for Patrick came rushing back into my heart along withanger.I will not let lies dictate my life.No way, I thought as a surge of rage flowed through my body, fuelling my energy.

Once I was dressed again, I called a taxi, and as I sat in the backseat staring at the rain-spotted window, I felt angrier and angrier. I’ve done nothing wrong. In fact, I’ve done all the right things: I’ve been honest, I’ve been faithful, and I’ve been myself. I deserve this love – I do – and I won’t let anything, or anyone, sabotage that. Daniel has no control over me or my life.

A taxi dropped me out the front of Casa di Vitello, and as I ran up the steps to reach shelter from the drizzling rain, I saw Patrick sitting with Trish on the barstools. They were inches apart having an Aperol spritz, and her hand was on his.Was she trying to seduce him?

Once I was within earshot, I cleared my throat loudly, then said, ‘Why is your hand on myboyfriend’s?’

She moved her hand away and blushed. ‘Relax. We were just chatting.’ She tucked her hair behind her ears and grew redder the longer I stared at her.

Oh God, she was in that giddy mode again, and I could tell she was utterly mesmerised by Patrick. So mesmerised that she had applied red lipstick and dangling earrings, and was that Chloe perfume that I smelled? That was one bad thing about dating a gorgeous man – nearly every woman checked him out and craved his attention.

‘Naomi,’ Patrick said as he stood up. He looked exhausted, and all I wanted to do was kiss him, lay my head on his chest, and cuddle up to him.

I shook my head –I should be angry right now.‘What’s going on here? You both look super friendly. Too friendly,’ I said as my boots squeaked across the floor.

‘Trish, can you give me some time with Naomi,’ Patrick said with a drop of annoyance in his voice.

‘Yep. I’m going home anyway.’ She got up, avoiding eye contact with me, and headed out the front entrance.

‘I didn’t sleep with Daniel.’ My words came out in a rush as I walked closer to him.

‘I know, Naomi. I shouldn’t have doubted you like that. I let my fears get the best of me, and I didn’t know what to believe as Trish has never lied to me before. She’s been my trusted head chef for many years.’ He nodded and faced his stool in my direction, then sat back down. ‘After thinking about it long and hard, I realised that isn’t who you are, and I was meaning to message you, but work got chaotically busy.’