Page 87 of A Slice of You

I smiled again and laughed, having no idea how to respond to such an incredible compliment.

‘It’s nice Patrick has found a woman that can cook. He’s always wanted a woman he could share his passion with, someone equipped for his busy lifestyle.’ She lowered her voice and cupped her hand before saying the next line. ‘His ex was a hopeless cook.’ She let out a laugh. ‘Oh!’ She snapped her fingers as if suddenly remembering something important. She turned to Patrick, then said, ‘You wouldn’t believe it. Marco and Stephanie have started canoodling again.’

I observed as his face changed and watched his throat as he swallowed hard. ‘Has this been an ongoing thing?’

‘Stephanie seems to have many boyfriends, just as Marco has girlfriends. They’re both as bad as each other.’ She shook her head and let out a chuckle.

‘Well, I hold deep regret for ever proposing to her, but it sounds like she’s the perfect fit for Marco.’ His eyes flamed with hurt.

As soon as she looked into his eyes, she realised she was being insensitive. ‘I shouldn’t have laughed at such a sensitive matter. I’m sorry, Patrizio.’ She placed her manicured hand on his.

‘It’s okay, Mama. I’m used to your light-hearted nature.’ He smiled.

She nodded and smiled too, and just by analysing that moment, I realised Elizabeth loved her children equally as much and that it would have been so hard for Patrick to make peace with Marco.

‘Anyway, I thought I’d let you know that Marco was still carrying on, but I must say, he’s doing a good job of running the Sydney restaurant.’ Her high-arched eyebrows raised in approval.

He nodded in agreement. ‘I’ve been checking the figures, and all looks well in that regard.’ He stood and walked over to the kitchen. ‘Does anyone want a cup of tea?’

‘I’d love one,’ Elizabeth said with a warm smile.

‘Naomi?’ he asked while looking directly at me.

‘Just a mineral water, please.’

‘Mama, I’ve got Earl Grey or green tea. Which one would you like?’ He got out his wooden teabag organiser and stared at them.

‘Earl Grey, with one sugar and a dash of milk, dear.’

‘You haven’t changed a bit.’ He smiled as he flicked on his matte-black electric kettle.

She returned the smile, then turned her attention back to me. ‘So, Naomi, are you excited for Christmas?’

‘Yes, I love Christmas time.’ I nodded with a grin.

‘When Patrizio was a little boy, he always liked to put the star on top of the tree, so that’s been our tradition every year.’ Her pink lips spread out into a smile.

‘I can’t believe how quickly December has come around. How’s it the first already?’ I gulped, a little embarrassed at my lame small talk.

‘Mmm. It’s come around very fast indeed.’

Minutes later, Patrick came over with the drinks, and put his mother’s cup of tea down on a coaster, then placed my sparkling mineral water on one too. He was so precise with his movements; everything was done just so, as if he was at the restaurant. The mint leaves and lime wedge were even muddled at the bottom of my glass. One of my favourite things to do was watch him in his element as he created gorgeous food and drinks.

I took a sip of my mineral water, admiring his face as he looked down at his Rolex watch.

‘We better get going, Naomi. It’s ten thirty.’ His voice was in work mode.

I finished my drink in two quick gulps. ‘It was lovely meeting you, Elizabeth,’ I said as I stood to leave the table.

‘You too, dear.’ Her pink, manicured nails were curled around the Mediterranean-printed teacup handle as she sipped her tea.

‘I’m sure you’ll find something to entertain yourself with, Mama. Love you.’ He kissed her on the cheek.

‘I’ve got plenty to do, Patrizio. Don’t worry about that,’ she assured him with a beaming smile.

I made my way upstairs to quickly change into my uniform before leaving.