Page 71 of A Slice of You

‘That would be lovely, thanks.’ I gave a warm smile and watched as he walked off down the hallway.

He returned minutes later, and I was expecting to apply the gel myself, but he did it for me with his caring hands as he patted it into my skin with the precision of a dermatologist. The butterflies inside my stomach flapped to the rhythm of his hands.

‘Thanks for that.’ I nodded with another smile. The gel felt sticky and cool against my skin.

‘My pleasure.’ He placed the aloe on the table next to the platter, bringing my attention back to the food.

‘Geez, that’s sure one elaborate-looking antipasto.’ My eyes widened at the meticulousness he put into presenting the food as if it were going out to a king.

‘It’s just a throw-together from the fridge.’ He gestured with his hand to confirm it was no hassle.

He was so thoughtful. How could anyone be this hospitable at this time of night?

‘Now, I know you don’t like drinking, and you can say no if you want to, but I’d love you to have a taste of this wine,’ he said ashe placed two glasses down on the glossy bench and a bottle of wine.

‘Uh. Okay, but only a sip.’

He twisted off the cap and poured some Vitello Sauvignon Blanc into my glass, half filling it and sliding it towards me.

‘Give it a swirl, then have a taste. This is one of our bestsellers.’ His eyes were full of family pride.

After giving it a swirl, I closed my eyes and took a small sip. A fruitful, crisp flavour swirled on my tastebuds. It was the perfect combination of sweet and dry, and, my God, it was delicious.

‘Did you like it?’ he asked, eager for my verdict.

‘Yes, I love it, and I think you may have changed my mind about wine if it tastes this good.’ I held my glass out to him.

‘Grazie.’We clinked glasses.

‘That meansthank youin Italian, right?’ I raised a brow.

‘Si. Corretto.’He nodded with his charming smile plastered on his face, and I glimpsed at his long, toned neck, which was in perfect proportion to the rest of his lean body.

‘Oh, Patrick, is this an Italian lesson now?’ I laughed, unable to contain my smile.

‘No, just having some fun.’ He chuckled, grabbed a prosciutto strip, and wrapped it around a breadstick.

‘So, do you bring all your staff over for late-night chats?’ I placed my glass on the counter, detached a small vine of grapes from the bunch, dangled them into my mouth, and bit one off, glancing at him sideways.

‘No, just the naughty ones that don’t come into work.’ He took a bite of his breadstick.

‘Guess I’ll have to take work off more often, then.’ I cast him a playful wink.Was I seriously flirting with Patrick Vitello in his kitchen in the middle of the night?

‘Ha. Don’t get any bad ideas. We need you in that kitchen.’ He finished his breadstick.

‘Well, that’s reassuring. Daniel sure thought otherwise.’ I wanted to kick myself for bringing him up.

‘Daniel is a fool. Don’t let him ruin one more day of your life. You’re out of his hands now.’ His green eyes were serious yet passionate.

‘And into yours.’ I winced at how romantic that sounded.Shit, I hope he doesn’t think I’m cracking on to him.

He didn’t say anything and took a sip of his wine while looking at me curiously over his glass.

‘So, not to sound like a creep or anything, but are you single?’ I asked. ‘And I’m just asking out of curiosity.’

He nodded. ‘I am.’

My mouth dropped slightly. ‘Oh, I thought you were taken for sure.’