Page 52 of A Slice of You

‘I love romcoms. They’re always so light and fun to watch.’

‘So, there’s a hidden romantic in you somewhere, hey?’ She nudged her elbow into my arm. ‘Hey, hey?’ Her brows waggled.

‘Probably buried deep down, but I still don’t believe in“true love”.’ I used air quotes, hoping they showed the disdain I felt.

Deb smiled ruefully. ‘I think my parents are the definition of true love.’

‘That’s lovely, Deb. I’m glad you can speak so well of them even though you’re fighting with them. I can’t say the same about mine, but back when we were all together, it was great.’ I thought back to our family dinners when Dad and I made bread rolls, Mum made the salad, and Carlos handled the seafood. The memories became less pleasant, however, when I thought of his shiraz. It was like as soon as the booze started flowing, a switch flicked in Dad, and he changed, like a shark smelling blood. The slightest irritation enraged him, and he’d pick fights with Mum that pushed her to breaking point. It was devastating to watch but also eye-opening in the long run. Things were different when we were on our own. I loved the one-on-one times with Dad – listening to Elvis, cooking, and mucking around. Those were good memories. The more time that passed, the more I realised that both of them had shaped me and Carlos into the people we were. I looked up to see Deb watching me.

‘You’re a really strong girl, Naomi. I mean that. I can’t even imagine what it feels like to lose a parent so young, but you’re amazing. I’ve been thinking about moving to the city so much, but then I think about being away from you again, and I feel so sad. I think that’s what’s been stopping me, to be honest.’

I have to admit, I was moved by her words. I hated how tense things had been with Deb the last few days. ‘Aww, that’s so sweet. I’d hate for you to move away again.’

‘You just get me. You understand me more than anyone else.’

I replied, ‘You too.’ But I felt like a liar. Us reconnecting had been nice, but the truth was that, more and more, all I could see were our differences. It appeared that the older we got, the less we had in common, and Daniel seemed to be the main topic that we did have in common. I’d always love Deb, and often tried to push our differences aside, but something in my gut told me we were slowly drifting apart again.

‘You know what? I can’t figure out what to watch, and I feel sick from eating all of this, so I think I’ll just go to bed.’

I nodded, a little relieved. ‘Okay. Goodnight, Deb.’

‘Night, chickadee.’

She switched off the TV, grabbed her half-eaten block of chocolate, and swigged the rest of her wine.

Once she’d disappeared into her room, I got back into my own bed, pulled the sheets over myself, and closed my eyes. Then as if on cue, my phone vibrated. It was Seb.

Seb:Baby…why haven’t you answered my pic? Don’t keep me hanging, I miss you like crazy.

Me:One of my pet hates are dick pics. They aren’t my thing and disgust me.

Seb:Huh? How can you say this to me after we had sex? What type of person are you? I ‘disgust’ you? Guess I was wrong about you. Have fun sleeping with other guys while I’m away. Cya.

What? Is he a child?I blinked a couple of times to let his text sink in and to make sure I read it correctly.Yep, read it correctly.Bit of an overreaction, if you ask me. All I was trying to do was tell him how I felt about a matter, and now he’s blown it out of proportion.What was with the flighty relationships in my life?Daniel, Seb, and now even Deb these days. Daniel had me wrong and foolishly abused me, and now Seb was getting mewrong too. I rubbed the corners of my eyes and exhaled as his suggestion that I’d sleep around really sank in.

Me:Uh, no, Seb. I will not be sleeping around while you’re gone, and if you’d bothered to ask how I was, like a proper lover, you’d know that I lost my job and have had other things going on in my life right now. Grow up.

Seb:Shit, I’m bloody sorry baby : ( I just get jealous and I hate the thought of you getting with anyone else. I was being serious when I said you were the best I’ve had. What are your bank details? I’ll send you some money to live off while you’re in this shit run.

My heart warmed at the fact he offered to give me money to live off during my unemployment debacle, but that feeling was soon quashed by his sulky paranoia about me getting with someone else.He should drop that idea because it’s not going to happen.

Me:My bank account’s fine. I have my inheritance to live off if worst comes to worst, but I don’t think that will happen because I have a job trial tomorrow and I plan on finding a job asap. Anyway, it’s been a long day. I’m going to sleep now.

Seb:Really? Deb said you didn’t have much money because you buy so much makeup, and she never mentioned your inheritance to me. She told me that your hours were all over the place.

I sighed and pressed my hand into my face. Why did things always have to be so damn complicated? And why did they both have to know exactly what I had in my bank account? I never asked anyone for money or how much they had. Ever.

Me:It appears you and Deb talk a lot about me…Look, I’m not in the mood for this conversation about my financial situation, I’m not destitute, I will be okay. I’m a worker and I always find a way to pay my bills. I don’t need handouts from anyone, but thanks for your concern.

Seb:I know that, Naomi, you’re a rare sort. I just miss you like crazy. Can you please send me a pic?

I replied with a picture of the ceiling and wrote:Goodnight, Sebastian.

Seb:Awww not fair : (

Just as I was about to shut my eyes for the second time to get some sleep before my big day, my phone buzzed yet again.Oh my God, go away, Seb.Nope, this time it wasn’t him. It was Kelly.

Kelly:It was so crap tonight without you. Everyone in the kitchen is missing you bad, especially Martin. He hasn’t shut up about you. Tyren’s pizzas are okay, but they aren’t like yours. He tried making your dough recipe, but his turned out too moist so when he cooked the bases they sagged at the tip. Please don’t tell anyone I told you, also Tyren had lots of pizzas returned and I overheard customers saying the pizzas are soggy amateurly made and lack flavour.