Page 27 of A Slice of You


Pay Day

Deb and I got home just after 9pm. I was flush with the excitement of a wallet full of cash and two days off work. After my shift, Daniel got out his calculator and added up the hours on my timesheet, then handed me cash from the till with his usual sneer.

‘Are you looking forward to payday tomorrow?’ I asked Deb as I sank into the couch and stretched out my legs. She collapsed onto her usual side, and I couldn’t help feeling jealous that her money was being deposited straight into her bank account tomorrow, with her being a full-time employee and all.

‘Yeah, bloody oath, I am.’ She grabbed a slice of pizza from the box on the coffee table, which was accompanied by her bottle of wine, and closed her eyes as she took a bite. ‘Oh my God, Naomi, whatever you do to that dough … I can’t even deal. It’s so light and chewy yet crispy on the bottom.’ She paused for a moment while she scoffed the rest of the slice. ‘Mmm.’

‘Thanks, Deb.’ I gave her a smile that quickly turned into a frown as I thought about what was really bothering me. ‘Iwish Daniel would employ me properly. At the time, when I accepted his cash-in-hand offer, I wasn’t thinking straight. I was desperate for a job in a restaurant since the last restaurant I worked at closed, and now I feel silly for agreeing to cash. It feels like he just plays games with me.’ With a sigh, I pressed my hands to my face, then knotted them together on my lap.

‘It’s shit, I know, but that’s Daniel. He plays games with everyone.’ She sucked her fingers, then wiped them down her work shirt.

‘Indeed, but it doesn’t make it right, and him treating me like this makes me doubt myself and my abilities … And as he likes to remind me … I’m not a “qualified chef”. When I was under Dad’s wing, that never mattered. None of this title stuff mattered. All that mattered was my ability to cook.’

‘You cook better than most chefs I know, Naomi. You’re talented. Ridiculously talented, and it’s abnormal how well you cook. Like what “cook”can make consommé, seriously? Most chefs even struggle making that.’ She grabbed her glass of pinot and chugged it down like it was water on a forty-degree day.

I gave her a weak smile and watched with worried eyes as she refilled her glass.

‘You also nail soufflé and béarnaise sauce. You’ve got nothing to worry about.’ She took another gulp. ‘I can’t cook any of that. My specialty is packet-mix macaroni and cheese, and that’s it.’

‘Thanks for your support and kind words, Deb. It’s just so easy to slip into self-doubt mode when Daniel makes me feel so incompetent. Did I tell you he brought up I’m just a “cook” again tonight?’ My eyes flickered with hurt as I sighed again.

‘He does that regularly …’ She looked down at her red nails curled around the stem of her glass. ‘Hey, why don’t you bang Martin? He’s clearly got the hots for you. He told me tonight he’s mad at you because you got up him for calling you “Pinky”.But anyway, what I’m trying to say is whenever I have sex, I feelbetter and stop overthinking and doubting myself as much.’ She turned back to me with raised brows.

I let out an offended laugh. ‘Uh, no, I would never sleep with Martin just because he has “the hots” for me. And I don’t think he does. He’s been ignoring me lately.’

‘Duh. Because he feels rejected and you haven’t played along. He talks about you all the time.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Maybe if his hair wasn’t so flat, he’d stand a chance. Poor guy.’ She let out a snort as she laughed.

‘Mmm. Anyway, what do you want to do tomorrow?’ My tone was finally livelier as I thought about my days off.

‘I have no idea. We’ll figure that out in the morning.’ She yawned and stretched her arms, raising her glass to the ceiling.

‘Done. So, tell me … how was last night?’ I asked as we both turned to each other at the same time.

Deb grinned. ‘It was great, and I meanreallygreat.’ She smiled to herself as she thought of her night, then took another mouthful of wine. ‘Speaking of fun, have you slept with Sebastian yet?’ She did thehow-you-doin’eyebrows.

‘Ooh, you’re being the secretive one, aren’t you? Not going to kiss and tell?’

Deb’s face turned crimson. ‘I’m sure you’re sick of hearing about my stories of men. Now, enough about me. Answer the question. Have you and Sebastian done it yet?’

‘No.’ I shot her a defensive stare. ‘Not yet.’

‘Oh, come on. He’s bonkers for you. How long are you going to keep him hanging? The poor thing would have the biggest blue balls.’

‘I’m not sure. I don’t feel ready with him just yet.’ I looked into her ebony eyes glinting with mischievousness.

‘You’re not still hung up on Scott, are you?’ Her eyes squinted in interest as she placed her empty glass down.

The word ‘Scott’ jabbed me in the heart, and that horrible feeling of being rejected returned.

‘No, but what he did to me really hurt. I’m thankful he apologised a year later, but before that, he just ignored every one of my texts.’

‘Lots of men root and boot, babe,’ she said casually while slicking her auburn hair back into a ponytail. ‘Just root and boot back. You’ll gain power from it. Trust me.’

I shook my head. ‘I’m not into sleeping with people to gain power. I’d rather do it when I feel sure and comfortable. I’m still testing the waters with Seb and making sure he’s genuine andtrulywants me.’

‘Oh, you’re such a typical Cancerian. Ruled by your fragile emotions and cynicism.’ She topped up her glass and took another sip. ‘Trust me. He’s into you, chick. You’ve got nothing to worry about.’