Page 26 of A Slice of You

‘I want a kiss.’ His intense eyes stared into mine as he smirked.

‘Can I get dressed first?’ I asked with narrowed eyes.

‘How long are you going to make me wait to have you?’ he let out in a rush of pent-up frustration.

‘Seb, it’ll happen when I’m ready.’ My firm tone matched my expression.

‘Naomi, I like you, but, yeah, I get it – you’re confused.’ His expression turned cold as he looked at the doorframe of my bedroom and sighed.

‘Seb, I’m not confused. I’m just not ready for anything sexual just yet. I have to be mentally prepared for that, okay?’ I watched as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

He exhaled another deep breath and nodded. ‘You’re right. I’m sorry.’

I walked to the bathroom, threw on my nightie, and on my return, I noticed there was a small, red, velvet box sitting on my lilac bedsheets. I stared at it for a while, wide-eyed.

I wasn’t sure what Seb thought of my reaction, but he leapt awkwardly from the bed, grabbed the box, and snapped it open in front of me. Inside was a blue-and-green-flecked opal necklace that glimmered under the light.

‘What’s this for?’ I asked, mouth agape, as my heart quickened.

‘Just something I wanted to give to you. To show you how much you mean to me.’ His tone was sincere.

‘It’s really beautiful.’ I stroked my finger against the oval pendant set in gold and swallowed. ‘But, Seb, I can’t accept this.’

He frowned, and I could see the hurt in the downward turn of his eyes.

‘Why? I want you to have this, so whenever we’re apart, you can wear it and think of me.’

I began to feel sick. Things were moving faster than I could keep up with, and I still hadn’t figured him out.

I smiled so I didn’t look rude. ‘It’s really kind of you, but you really don’t have to buy me gifts.’

‘It would look so good with your blue eyes and mermaid blonde hair. Come on. At least try it on for me, babe. Please?’

‘It’s very nice. Oh, okay,’ I replied, staring down at it and feeling the pressure to accept it.

‘Here. Let me help you with that.’ He walked closer to me, took the necklace from the box, moved my wet curly hair to one side, and placed the chain around my neck. It sat high on my chest, and I admired the vivid colours glimmering as I turned to the mirror of my dressing table.

‘Come here,’ he said as he pulled me down on the bed and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

‘Thank you, Seb. It’s really sweet of you.’ l looked down at the necklace again and fiddled with it.


‘Yes?’ I lifted my face to his.

‘I haven’t felt this way since my ex. She was the most amazing girl I’d ever been with, and I didn’t tell you this, but she fell pregnant.’ He paused for a moment. ‘And not to me, but to another man. I would have given her everything. She’s so stupid losing me – so, so stupid.’ His tone was full of hurt and anger, and his eyes were too.

‘Yes, I know people can be awful. Hence why I don’t rush into things.’ I nodded while staring at him.

‘This issoohard to say. So hard …’ He cleared his throat, then spat out, ‘Naomi, I love you.’ There was a genuine warmth in his eyes but also fear.

What? That’s soooo unexpected. He loves me? They’re such big words, words I’ve personally never said, not even to Scott.My heart warmed at the effort he’d been putting in with the breakfast, the necklace, and the ‘I love you’.

‘You’re a cool guy, and I like hanging with you. Thanks for everything you did today, and although I won’t say “I love you too” just yet, do know I like you and that I appreciate everything you’ve done.’ I placed my hand on his. ‘You have cheered me up a lot and have made me forget about work.’

‘That’s what I want to do, babe. I want to make you happy and make you forget about the world when you’re with me. Man, you’re such a challenge – it’s mind-boggling. Any other woman would be all over me by now.’ He laughed.

‘Well, just remember I’m not like just any other woman.’ I placed my hand back on the bed and smiled.