Page 20 of A Slice of You

I’ll try to make up for the overindulgence with healthy food tomorrow.


Leaving So Soon?

Icould’ve sworn I was trapped in some kind of Groundhog Day, being awake far earlier than was to my liking, again. Seb was to blame for this … If it weren’t for my deep sleep during the night, I’d be highly annoyed. Him staying over had grown on me, though, or I would’ve tossed and turned and not slept at all, like I’d done in the past. One time, Deb wanted to sleep in my bed at Mum’s house, and I tossed and turned countless times and lay awake staring at the ceiling fan the whole night. It was weird. I just couldn’t get comfortable with her next to me, and so whenever we had sleepovers as adolescents, one of us would sleep on a blow-up mattress on the floor. Seb tried to French-kiss me again before bed, but eventually settled for cuddles and fell asleep with his arm wrapped around me.

‘Let’s go to brekkie, gorgeous?’ Seb asked with his chin propped on his palm as his elbow dug into the pillow. He had an excited-schoolboy expression etched on his sunlit face.

‘I want to show you off.’

‘I hate to burst your bubble, but I’m not a breakfast person.’ I looked down at my tummy and noticed the bloat had left. Thank God.

‘Not even for me, baby?’ He put on a sulky voice and stuck out his bottom lip.

Is he serious?Not even for me, baby.I mimicked his words back in my head and let out a laugh. Maybe I am in a viler mood than I thought.

‘Uh. I guess we can, but let’s go somewherereallygood, and I meangood.’

I hope I’m not coming across as a bitch, but if we’re going to work out, he better learn that I’m the queen of sleep-ins.

‘Too easy, baby.’

It better be good, Sebastian.

We went to a breakfast café along Noosa River just a few minutes’ walk from Mon Amour. It was modern with wicker chairs and round, smooth tables. Soft chatter surrounded us as the other diners clinked their cutlery against porcelain plates. Noosa River was known as a prime spot for foodies and coffee snobs, and there were plenty of places to choose from, considering nearly every building was an eatery, but this one seemed like today’s flavour.

I sipped on freshly juiced pineapple with muddled mint leaves while Seb drank his cappuccino with five sugars. Our table overlooked the street and was under a white umbrella, which shielded us from the early-morning glare. As I turned my attention away from the busy street and back onto Seb, I couldn’t help but be distracted by him wearing the same outfit as last night. The thought of old clothes made my skin itch. He was wearing a black shirt with a wave print, his denim jacket slung over his shoulder, faded denim knee-length shorts, and, of course, his Vans shoes.

The vibe got weird as Seb began to avoid eye contact with me and kept his eyes fixed on his coffee instead. He swallowed hard repeatedly, and his head grew more damp with sweat by the second. Judging by the look on his face, he was in deep thought, and I couldn’t understand why he didn’t tell me what was wrong before breakfast because it was rather distracting. He looked up at me for a brief moment, then swallowed hard once more.

What on earth? What is going on with him?

Finally, the silence and weirdness were broken, and he made proper eye contact. It was a stare full of nerves and questions, which made me curious to know what was going through his head. There was nothing I hated more than people acting out of character.

‘You look exhausted. Did you get much sleep?’ Seb asked.

So not even a deep sleep can wipe my tiredness away?Ah, the joys of hospitality.

‘I think these long shifts are draining all of my energy. I’m so worn out and have no idea how I’ll make it through today.’Pleasejust tell me what you’re hiding already. Why do you look so nervous?

‘Yeah, I know how you feel. I struggle to do my twelve-hour shifts and can’t wait until teatime.’ He nodded to himself and cast his eyes out onto the road.

‘So, when do you go back to work again?’ I asked as I shifted in my chair and crossed my ankles, waiting for him to spill what he was concealing.

‘I fly out Wednesday.’ He turned his gaze back to me, and I noticed his eyes were a deeper russet.

‘Wait. I thought you had two weeks off. Not one. That means you leave in four days.’ My forehead creased as I processed the information.

I can’t believe he’s leaving so soon, and just when we’re getting close, and you know what they say: absence makes the heart grow fonder.

He nodded, assuming his usual carefree demeanour. ‘Yeah, I got called in. One of the crew is sick.’

‘Oh, okay. Are you okay with that?’ I eyed him over the top of my pineapple juice as I took another sip.

‘Yeah, all good. I need the extra cash.’

‘Fair enough. As long as you’re okay with it, that’s all that matters.’ I gave him a smile and placed my glass back down.