Page 72 of A Slice of You

‘And why’s that?’ His pupils enlarged with interest.

‘I don’t need to state the obvious, do I?’ I raised my eyebrow.

‘Enlighten me.’ He gestured towards me with his hand.

‘No, because then Iwillsound like a creep.’ I crossed my arms with the grapes secured in my fist.

‘I don’t think you’re a creep, Naomi.’ He tucked a fallen strand of his tousled hair behind his ear.

‘Alright.’ I sighed and tried my hardest not to sound like I was fawning over him. ‘Well, you pretty much have it all, and I guess a lot of women would want a guy like you.’

‘But do they want me formeor for my stuff?’ He waved his hand around at the stainless-steel appliances and marble benchtop. ‘I’m not making that same mistake again with a woman. My ex, Stephanie, was one of those women who wanted me for my stuff, and I fell for it because she got me at my weakest, when my papa died.’ He pressed his fingers to his temples and exhaled.

‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have even asked.’Stupid move, Naomi.‘Now I’ve put a dampener on the night.’ Why was I being sonosy? It was none of my business whether he was single or not.Oh my God, I am acting like Deb.

‘No, please don’t feel bad. I’m not upset you asked. It’s just been really hard to get over, but I’m happy to talk about it. I shouldn’t keep it bottled up.’ His tone was reassuring as he placed his glass on the bench next to mine.

Thank God he didn’t seem scared off. ‘Were you together long?’ I unfolded my fist and plopped more grapes into my mouth.

‘Three years too long. To be honest, she ripped my heart apart.’ He let out a painful sigh and looked down at the marble floor.

After I finished chewing, I replied, ‘Oh, no. You don’t have to tell me about it if you’d rather not, but if you do want to get it off your chest, I’m happy to listen.’

‘She … wasn’t just my ex … but my fiancée.’ His eyes squeezed shut for a moment as she haunted his mind. ‘She loved playing mind games and drove me crazy trying to make me jealous. One night, she took it too far.’ He cleared his throat and looked at me. ‘She slept with my older brother, Marco.’

‘Oh, my goodness, Patrick. I’m so sorry to hear that. How could your fiancée and your brother do that to you?’ I struggled for the words to express my horror. ‘That’s the lowest thing they could do.’ I leant over the counter and placed my hand over his in a way I hoped made him feel understood.

‘I gave her every part of me and bought her anything that she wanted, and you know what it taught me?’ He moved his hands away and folded them on the bench.

I shrugged, not wanting to say the wrong thing. ‘I don’t know. Umm. Not to trust women?’

‘No, not at all.’ He shook his head. ‘I’m not bitter. I understand that it was just her, and that notallwomen are like that. What it did teach me was that material items don’t prove love, andthat love is much deeper than that. If someone truly loves you, it’s not about how many gifts you give each other, but the deep connection you share. That’s where she and I failed; we got swept up in a pretend romance driven by material objects. It was like we were putting on a performance to the world and showing off our false, perfect life. We were addicted to people’s reactions.’

My heart melted at the words he was saying. I could see how true it all was, how heartfelt. ‘So, I guess you’ll be extra careful about the next woman you pick, then, hey?’

‘Sure will.’ He smiled.

‘So, what kind of woman are you looking for?’ My skin did that stupid thing it does when I’m nervous around him, and I was thankful for the cooling gel or I would’ve looked like a beetroot for sure.Am I being too forward and crossing over to the more-than-friends territory?

‘One that is dedicated to me,honest, and shares the same passion for cooking as I do.’

‘Mmm, loyalty is a must.’ I nodded in complete agreement. ‘Sounds like the perfect woman.’

‘Sure does.’ He smiled. ‘But what frightens me, Naomi, is everyone knows me and knows I have money. How can I find someone that just loves me for me, and not for what I have?’ His face held a look of uncertainty.

‘You will find someone.’ I gave him a warm smile. ‘I know you will.’

‘Thanks, Naomi. So, enough about me. Tell me about you. Do you have a boyfriend?’ He raised an eager eyebrow.

‘Uh. Yeah, sort of, but nothing serious.’

‘So, you’re not in love, then?’ He looked into my eyes with curiosity.

‘Not in love, no.’ I reached for my wine glass on the bench. ‘I’m not sure how I feel about Sebastian, to be honest.’

‘Ah, complicated.’ He nodded. ‘Something I avoid.’

I nodded and took a small sip from my glass. ‘I think I agree. I’m not sure how compatible he and I are anyway. He’s just been so persistent and made me feel special, but I’m confused, and I don’t know how to feel. I don’t think he gets where I’m coming from, and my emotions are so mixed up from losing my dad. Some days, I’m an emotional wreck, and other days, I feel numb and lonely … and angry too.’ I shook my head in surprise at how comfortable I felt opening up like this to Patrick. He was my boss, after all, not to mention a significantly older guy.