I remember being twelve years old and being a little terrified to even be on the ice, even though I well and truly knew how to skate by then. So much goes into the game. The dynamics are a never-ending testament to how much you have to love the game to take the risk of getting battered, bruised, and sometimes broken.

Joey gets a little risqué as one kid passes the puck across to Timothy Rogers from Vegas Heat we played against in the Stanley Cup finals. The kid launches himself on the ice, the same way I did in the first period against the Jets, sliding along the ice with his stick extended, effectively blocking the pass. Although he doesn’t fly into the goals at top speed without being able to stop, the effect is still the same. He stops the puck while I come in behind and hurl the puck away from the goals.

The crowd’s cheer rings out through the stadium. I skate over to pick him up from the ice, much like Tyson did for me in the first period.

“You alright, kid?”

He looks up at me with that spark that can only come from doing something you truly love. He’s in his element. “I’m better than alright!” he smiles happily.

“Nice block, by the way.”

He beams up at me as I pat him on the back, and we resume play.

It’s a fucking great game, and the play is slow and safe. No one is being a dick where kids are involved, and again, it’s for charity.

I know the news will cover the game, and they will replay Joey's block right next to mine. I’m proud of the kid.

He’s panting and gushing by the end of the game, even though the Jets win three goals to two. He doesn’t seem to care.

“Can I get your autograph?” he asks me when we skate over to the players’ bench.

“Sure can,” I assure him.

I can see the same shiny gleam in all the kids’ eyes as we all congregate in a circle before we depart from the ice.

“Nice game,” Alton says as we all huddle.

“Same to you,” I reply. It’s the first time I’ve ever played on the same side as him.

I literally have a buzz of electricity running through my body. I know now, more than ever, that coaching or doing something with the kids league is going to be my profession once I quit the NHL. It’s in my veins. I can’t not be around the sport.

Being with the kids today and helping Joey with his defense has really given me more than I could have ever expected.

When I glance up from the circle as we all put our hands in the middle and huddle, I can see Maddison beaming over at me from the players’ bench. The buzz inside me gets even bigger.

“Well played, everyone,” Tyson says before we all break apart. “You kids all keep doing what you’re doing because someday we wanna see you playing in the NHL.”

All the kids wave their sticks excitedly.

“Nice work,” I tell Joey as we skate to the players’ door.“You did great.”

“Thanks,” he gushes at me as we make our way to the locker room, and he gets his autograph. Actually, every singleplayer gives out their autograph to each kid on the back of the certificates they received for participating.

But by the end, I need to see my girl.

I don’t even shower and change. I mingle with some of the guys afterward, guys in the NHL I’ve never had the chance to talk to or get to know. Ace Brixton is one of them. He’s Taylor’s well-known arch-rival. Tay is gonna be pissed he didn’t get to be here, I’m sure. Off the ice, the guy is pretty cool.

When I decide to break away to snag a moment with Maddison, I see them just outside the locker room. Cindy must have gotten them access.

I don’t hesitate to reach for Maddison and pull her by the hand towards the players’ door as the players all start cheering and cajoling.

She laughs, embarrassed, but it doesn’t stop me from wrapping my arms around her and lifting her off her feet. “You were amazing!” she whispers.

I can’t show her the extent of my excitement in front of a locker room full of guys and her friends hovering just outside the door. I’m also aware I’m blocking the entryway, and Ty is heading straight for it in search of Cindy behind us, no doubt.

“You’re amazing,” I tell her, placing her back down on her feet. And boy, do I have plans for her and me real soon. I know we’re probably going to go out and have some drinks with her friends and probably Ty and Cindy, but after that, I’m making her mine.

I step out of the way for Ty while I tug at her shirt. She has her back to her friends hovering behind her, and I have my back to the guys behind me. I reach up into her open jacket and admire my jersey.