
I don’t think I’ve ever been more revved up than I am today. I slept okay, considering the fact I have a huge day with the auction, and Ashton is coming to town. I wake up at the crack of dawn with a mixture of excitement and anxiety, as I have no idea how this day is going to go.

I do a thirty-minute power yoga routine outside on the deck before breakfast. I love to do Pilates and yoga to keep me flexible as well as grounded. There’s nothing like it. I take a quick dip in the pool afterward and make myself some coffee and toast.

I try to tell myself not to be nervous about anything that happens today.

My clients may or may not get the house they want to buy. And Ashton Rivers and I may or may not hook up. I think the chances we’re going to hit it off in more ways than one are a given, and I’m okay with that. Even though I’m not used to just jumping in with someone, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable.

I text Ashton the address of where I’ll be this morning in case he swings by before everything gets underway. He’s taking the train from Tampa to Miami, something I found super cute ofhim. I offered to come and pick him up, but he insisted he’ll find his way over to me, and I’m not to worry about anything.

I dress in a camel-colored skirt suit with a cream blouse and heels. I pull my hair back into a neat bun, taming any loose strands back with some gel. It’s going to be hot today, so I don’t need my crazy curls getting in the way.

Before the auction, I quickly stop by the office to pick up my paperwork and files. Then, I decide to arrive an hour early to find parking and be close by when everything starts.

My clients are on vacation-time and seem to think I have it in the bag. That’s what worries me the most. I can’t turn water into wine. There’s nothing I can do if the bidding goes crazy. I guess I’m worried they will pull the listing if they don’t get the house they want to buy. They have signed with me for thirty days, so at least I have until mid-next month if that were to happen. You just don’t know how these things are going to go.

When I pull up to the auction, my phone rings from somewhere in my purse.

My stomach does a flip until I reach for it and see it’s Tess calling me.

“Honey, are you all ready for today?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I guess it’s not every day I have to do the clients bidding for them when they’re in another country. They don’t even want to be on the line unless it’s completely necessary when the bidding starts. I’m not even sure that’s better than them being on the other end of the phone while it’s all happening.

“Great. I’ll be there just before things get underway.”

“Sounds good.” I probably need some moral support. Even if Tess is easygoing most of the time, having her here will still be a little intimidating.

We click off, and I put everything I need into my purse, take a sip of water from my drink bottle in the cup holder and decideto get a coffee just around the corner. Killing some time while I see where Ashton is sounds like a good idea to me.

I’m halfway through my latte when my cell pings again.

Hey beautiful. I’m about five minutes away from the address you gave me

My stomach does a flip.

Hey! I’m at the coffee percolator cafe just around the corner

See you in five

Swallowing hard, I put my cell back down on the table. I try not to fiddle with my hands or be nervous, but my heart is racing. I press my thighs together, because something else is throbbing too, knowing I’m going to see him in a matter of minutes.

The chemistry between us, even over the phone, is unbelievable. I’m ready to explode.

But I feel a little shy. Knowing what we did, and he saw me bucking the bronco with my vibrator on his screen the other night.

I want to facepalm myself, but there’s no time to do that.

I’m not sure it’s a good idea he stays for the auction. I don’t need the added stress, especially if things don’t go as planned. That won’t be a good thing for my clients, or a good thing in front of Ashton, whom I’m trying to impress.

Sure enough, five minutes go by, and as I look up from my coffee cup, he’s standing in front of my table.

A gasp leaves my throat as I take him in. It’s quite a sight to see him standing there looking down at me. God, he has a gorgeous smile. He seems to take up the entire space withhis height and broad shoulders. His hair is loose and shaggy, hanging down his neck. He tilts his head sideways as he gives me a sexy smile.

“Fancy meeting you here.”

I can feel myself blushing as I stand from the booth seat.