Wren bites her lip, looking a little sheepish. “Oops, did I not mention that?”

“Umm, you said you gave him a blow job on the second date!”

She shrugs that off. “Well, that too. Whatever. It was so adorable. He was trying to be the perfect gentleman. I know you wouldn’t think it to look at him, but he’s a complete teddy bear. I totally made the drop on him, and we’ve been at it like animals ever since. Anyway… back to you andAshton Rivers,” she croons in a swoony voice.

I swat her arm. “No way. I want to hear more about you and Noah bumping and grinding on the first date.”

“Yeah, me too,” Elle chuckles. “That is, if you didn’t really, honestly, bump and grind Ashton on your first date?”

I shake my head. “Scouts honor. Just the saucy kiss… and, well…”

They both stare at me.

“And what?” Wren squeals.

“Alright, alright. Pushy much.” I concede, taking a large guzzle of wine and looking at my friends. Wren, who looks polished through and through with her long, straight dark hair and thick glasses, urges me to go on with her penetrating gaze. Elle, smaller than me with an icy-blonde bob, hangs on to every word I say.

“Okay, so we sexted,” I whisper. “The night he won the cup, and once when I was back in Seattle.”

“Woah, what!” Wren’s large ochre-colored eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. “You have to be kidding me!”

“This is wonderful.” Elle holds her hands to her chest like she’s cradling the world’s best-kept secret. I can only laugh at their reaction.

I shake my head. “Nope, not kidding,” I say a little sheepishly. “He went into a cleaning cupboard and…”

“He got his dick out,” Wren confirms. “That’s so hot!”

“Itwashot,” I concede. “Though we were just talking on that occasion, we didn’t FaceTime or anything.”

They’re both practically sitting on the edge of their seats, staring at me.

“You didn’t seeanything?” Wren asks, astonished.

I laugh, shaking my head. “Nope.”

“I can’t believe you’ve kept it inside this long before telling us.” Elle shakes her head.

“I know, I’m sorry.” I sigh. “It’s been a crazy week getting back.”

“Wait up…” Wren holds up her finger. “What do you mean,on that occasion?Has there been more?”

Shit. “Umm.”

“You’ve sexted him again since then?” Ella is practically bouncing in her seat.

I take another sip of wine, realizing I had better try to fess up to my friends for withholding this from them.

“Yeah, we did FaceTime the other night,” I say.

“And…” Wren waves her hand around like I’m not getting to the point fast enough.

Ella giggles, eyeing Wren. “Let the woman get the words out.”

“Sorry.” Wren laughs, sitting back in her seat. “I’m just surprised, Mads. And excited. You’re always at work and hardly go out or do anything.”

“This is true.” I sigh. “But yeah, we talked the other night, and then got our rocks off together.” I glance up at them. “You guys happy now?”

They both squeal and nod eagerly. “Very.” Wren folds her arms across her chest. “I’m so proud of you, Mads.”