I sold off dad’s minor companies, only keeping Falcon Corporations marketing, where Genevieve stayed on. I fired most of the assholes that were on the board, kept a few trustworthy directors, and hired a new Executive Manager to oversee everything. I kept the shipping company and sold most of his properties, donating most of the money to Life Foundation. They created a special wing with a plaque that said 'Kindly donated by James Falcon Corporations.'

Kate insisted I have my name attached to it, too, which never really bothered me.

It was his money, after all.

I also set up Kate and Kenny for life. Kate already owns her own house, and they’ll live there next to mom, but knowing they will never have to struggle and can enjoy their life together without money hassles makes me feel good.

I sponsored the junior hockey league in Florida and made sure every school in the local area had new sporting equipment. The rest of dad’s estate went to the children’s disability wing of Seattle General and Jackson Memorial Miami.

I felt very honored when Jackson Memorial recently presented me with The Ashton Rivers wing. I certainly would never do something for the accolades. Donating the money was the right thing to do.

I like to think that my dad would be proud of me for that, at least. Helping other kids in ways he never knew how to do.

There was a lot to shell out, and I know the money will go a long way.

I continue to support other local charities with my own funds and attend regular events when I’m not playing.

Stanson Kelly from Miami Spirit has also been sniffing around.

With my contract due to run out in another year from the Hawks, I have a feeling he’s going to make me an offer I won’t be able to refuse. The Hawks are my dream team, and I’ve loved every minute I’ve played for them. But the reality is, I want to be where Maddison is. So, I would transfer if that’s what it means. Only time will tell.

When my hockey days are over—and I hope that won’t be for a few years yet—I will spend my time helping kids and hopefully commentating.

Things with my mom have been sketchy at best. I love her so much, so it came as such a shock for her to keep a secret like that from me. I don’t even know if she would have ever come clean. The shame of getting pregnant out of wedlock at a young age impacted her, and I don’t think she ever truly got over being abandoned in the way she was by David, even if things were rocky. I don’t suppose it’s something you ever get over, even if she and my dad got together in the end.

We landed in Tampa last night, heading to my mom’s shop to visit. Then, I’m taking Maddie for a surprise vacation to Hawaii. I’m keen to get back to my roots and catch up with some of my cousins I haven’t seen in a long time.

I bought my mom a small commercial shop downtown where she could set up her florist. She named it “Nalani’s Place,” and she absolutely loves it.

She cried when I gave it to her. I’m realizing more and more that she only did what she thought was best. There will always be a part of my heart that hurts because she never told me, and that my biological father could be out there somewhere. Though, I have no desire to find out if he is.

Time heals all wounds, they say. And it’s proven good for me.

She’s the only mom I have, so we have to make the best of it.

My sister said yes to Kenny, so they are now happily engaged and planning a summer wedding for next year. I’m happy for them both to be moving forward in life.

Kate’s and my relationship hasn’t changed, even though it was hard to wrap our heads around at first. Thank god we remain as close as ever.

Maddie and I have talked about the future, even after this short time of being together.

I would love to make it official. We’ve even discussed having kids, a dog, and a white picket fence. It’s something I would love to have—a family of my own.

I would give my kids everything I never had from my father growing up. I will also do everything possible to keep encouraging them with their dreams.

They would always know I loved them, no matter what.

The same with Maddie. I know as long as she’s in my life, I’ll be happy.


“You know, I have this sudden urge,” I tell her when we slow from our mad marathon sexcapade in our private cabana of the villa we rented. I’m holding my weight off her, laying over the top from behind.

She giggles below me. “Umm, so soon?”

I laugh because I’m still inside her. “I didn’t mean that kind of urge,” I whisper into her neck.

She turns her head to look up at me. “What urge, then?”