I try to scan through everything I just learned in the last few minutes, wondering if this is some kind of sick joke. Surely my father couldn’t sink this low even in death?

Why would he make it up?

Everything pieces together. Everything I never knew, the answers I sought but could never find. It’s all laid out before me.

My parents have kept a massive secret from me their entire lives. Granted, he didn’t know for sure, but he suspected it. And this is how I find out?

Why would my mom never tell me this?

The shock and betrayal I feel surging through my veins right now bowls me over. I make it to standing, but my legs give way, and I feel myself fall to the ground.

I hear Mads scream in the background, and I don’t know how long I black out for.

I feel one hand under my head, the other gently patting my cheek.

“Ashton!” She tries shaking me. “Ashton, are you alright?”

My eyes peel open, and I look up at her, hovering over me on the ground.

“Fuck,” I moan. I guess I really passed out. I hope I didn’t hit my head too hard.

“Mads?” I say her name like I’m trying it out for the first time. I try to sit up, but she tells me to stay where I am for a moment.

“What happened?” she asks me.

The papers are on the ground next to me. “I opened my Dad’s letter,” I mumble. “Fuck, Mads. Everything’s a mess.”

I know I’m on the edge of a nervous breakdown or a complete freak-out.

“You need to calm down,” she tells me softly.

I shuffle the paperwork towards her. “You need to read this,” I tell her. “Everything is in there.” Fucking everything, things I never knew, and everything I ever wanted to be revealed.

But there it all is. And now I know that my whole life has been based on a lie.

I’m too upset and way too distraught to do anything else tonight.

I pick up the phone to call my mom after I have a stiff drink and calm down. I can’t believe I fainted.

Mads sits next to me, watching my every move. I know she’s worried about me.

I put my phone back down again and shake my head. I can’t even find the strength to call her and confront her. She’s going to be here tomorrow. I can’t think about how awkward that is going to be. I’m not thinking straight either, so I will likely tell her to cancel the trip if I speak to her now. The fact my own mother kept this secret for my entire life astounds me. Okay, maybe somewhere in her mind, she was doing it for the greater good, but what good could have come from me never knowing the truth?

And more importantly, who is my actual father?

It could have solved a lot of my heartache long ago, or at least some of it.

At least some of my questions would have been answered, and the parts I struggled with would have made sense.

There’s no sense in what either of them did. I know she will have her side of the story. But did she really think I would never find out?

Why would she keep it hidden from me?

And I have mixed emotions about my dad only raising me so he could one day gain the full reign of Falcon Enterprises!He can say whatever he wants, but ultimately that was the aim.

I would have gladly handed his precious company over to him, that’s the irony.

I’m so hurt and angry I can’t think straight or enjoy the time with Maddison by my side.