“Who me?” I try to joke.

“Oh my God, I was joking!” Wren gives me a playful shove.

“I missed that?” Elle says, topping our glasses up.

Cindy and Ty are having a quiet discussion amongst themselves as Elle leans in.

“Mads stopped off for a quickie on the way here,” Wren splutters.

“Wren!” I give her a shove right back.

“Mads! What the hell, where?” Elle is just as eager as Wren to hear the details.

“You two need to get out more!” I joke.

“No way, we just need to know what the hell Ashton is packing,” Wren laughs, taking a large sip of wine. Clearly, the lunch they ate is doing nothing to soak up the alcohol.

“He’s packing just fine, and we had a quickie at the stadium,” I say nonchalantly, like it’s the most normal thing in the world to be doing.

“In the stadium!” Elle cries with delight.

Ty and Cindy both look up at us. I smile sweetly and then try to shush her when they resume their discussion. “Let the entire world know,” I mutter sarcastically.

“He’s gotta be good, right?” Wren asks.

“Like he wouldn’t be.” Elle giggles her head off. I think the wine is going to her head, too, but I’m glad to see them having a good time.

“Yes, he’s good,” I whisper. “The best I’ve ever had.”

“This is fantastic news.” Wren smiles with glee. “I’m happy for you, sweetie. You deserve a good guy who knows how to?—”

Ashton comes back to the table, and as I look up, I see something is wrong on his face, something very, very wrong. He’s pale and looks as though he’s just seen a ghost.

I jump up immediately. “Ash, are you okay?”

He reaches for my hand but doesn’t really look at me. “I need to talk to you outside,” he says.

I glance at my friends briefly. They look as concerned as I do. Ty gets up out of his seat.

“You okay, Ashton?”

“It’s my Dad,” he says. I look down at his hands holding his cell. They’re trembling.

Oh god, something has happened. Something really bad.

“What’s happened?” I ask as he steps back and I steer him away from the table a little.

“He was in an accident,” he says, looking down at me hazily.

“Ashton, oh my God.” I hear my friends stirring behind me but keep my eyes focused on him.

“I need to get out of here,” he tells me quietly. “Like, now.”

I nod. “Yes, of course.”

“I’ve got to get back to Seattle,” he says, glancing over at Tyler briefly. “I don’t know if he’s going to make it.”

“We can get you to the airport.” I hear Tyler behind us. “We have a hire car.”