It reminds me I need to catch up with my dad because I haven’t seen him for a while. I’ve been thinking about how I can make things better with him. It isn’t through a lack of him trying…that’s on me.

The announcement rings over the PA system. The players are ready to take the ice.

I clasp my hands together, and quickly remember I have Ashton’s jersey in my purse. I shuffle out of my Parker for a moment and reach for his jersey, sliding it on over my long-sleeve top.

The girls see what I’m up to, and clap and howl in unison. You can’t hear them over the crowd, so it’s not as though we’re drawing any attention to ourselves.

Cindy leans forward and peels back her jacket, dropping it down her arms and facing her back to us for a moment. It has #13 Peterson on the back. She quickly shrugs her jacket back on again as we all howl. I love that she’s wearing his jersey.

A thrill of excitement runs through me as the players get announced. It’s all a blur—except when Tyler gets announced right before Ashton. The crowd goes wild for every name that’s called as the NHL stars unite for charity.

I think it’s really cool they do these kinds of things off their own back. Ashton already told me they’re not getting paid or getting any endorsement for showing up. Sure, it’s good PR for the teams, but that’s as far as it goes. All the money goes back tothe Youth Team Association. I love the fact it’s not just helping one school around Miami but many.

I look out to the ice, and that thrill runs through me at the sight of Ashton doing a backward skate thing with Tyson. It’s definitely more playful and a lot more relaxed than when I saw the Stanley Cup game.

I guess things are pretty different playing at a charity event versus a championship tournament.

I can’t deny anything about the way I feel watching Ashton.

He’s making my heart sing, and my mind swirl with all the possibilities. There’s also that thrum between my legs, even though I’m sweetly sore from all of our fun.

I can’t wait for us to do it all again tonight.

Once the buzz dies down, the play sets off, and I find myself engrossed by the game as the guys move fast and swiftly. That little black puck once again the target. I know Ashton works defense, so his primary aim is keeping the puck from getting anywhere near the net. He’s fast. I notice that right away, he’s quick on his feet and seems to anticipate what I now know is called ‘the play’, probably from years of practice.

I have been enjoying some playbacks from the Stanley Cup. Of course, I only watched them to see Ashton, but I also learned more about the game.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to impress him with my knowledge, but I sure loved watching it live in Seattle.

I’m engrossed when the opposition takes over the puck when one of their strikers intercepts and takes the puck back, gliding towards the goals; he’s about to pass to his right when Ashton throws himself on the ice and slides with his stick straight out on the ground in front of him, he flies along the ice at what seems like a crazy speed, successfully blocking the pass, but also landing in the goals where he comes to a halt at the back of the net.

The crowd eats it up, cheering wildly as all of us girls jump up and down. I see Ty help him up to his feet as the play resumes again.

I see there’s nothing he won’t do to stop the puck. He’ll use the force of his body, the speed of his skates, and the strength in his arms to do whatever it takes.

That’s so damned hot.

By the first period, they take a break with two goals to one.

They’re calling themselves the All Stars vs the Super Jets for this game.

Ashton is playing on the All-Stars side. It’s heart-warming that even though most of these guys have a rivalry when they usually meet on the ice, they can come together and work as a team for charity.

I love watching Ashton. I love the way his body moves and swerves. I have a new appreciation of how hard it must be for them, and how taxing on their bodies.

They’re constantly being slammed around. If not on the ice itself, it’s into the glass barrier with a shudder. It’s utterly brutal, and utterly exciting.

“I’m freaking loving this!” Elle squeals next to me, getting right into the game as the second period starts. I know afterward there’s a thirty-minute practice game, with three ten-minute periods, with the kids who are sitting on the players’ bench in front of us.

It’s so damned cute. I love the way Ashton is all about helping the kids.

“Me too!” I squeal back at her. I’m having the time of my life. It’s like I’ve only just realized what that sensation is and what it could feel like to just let go and have a ball with my friends, watching my guy.

A shiver runs through me.My guy.

It has a ring to it that excites me and makes me a little nervous at the same time.

I want to see where things could go, if he does. Maybe it’s premature, but sometimes you just know when you’re onto a good thing.