“Good.” He grins. “I’m glad you’re a screamer.”

“I’ve never had such a good time in bed, and so many orgasms.”

He turns his head to look at me. “Now I know I’m doing my job right.”

I give him a playful shove. “Oh, you’re definitely doing that.”

He rolls up after a moment and slides to the end of the bed. I watch him get up and walk to the bathroom. A moment later, he walks back in all his naked glory after discarding the rubber. “I knew we’d fit perfectly,” he says.

“You did?”

“There’s no way we couldn’t.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“Couldn’t you tell?” he asks.

“I kinda could.”

He crawls back onto the bed and lays next to me. We lay in the darkness for a while, just coming down from our high. I’velost count of how many times he’s given me absolute pleasure today and obliterated my senses into orbit.

God knows what tomorrow is going to bring.

He runs his fingers down my arm as I shiver, loving every touch.

“We’re going to do that again, you know. I just need a breather.”

I chuckle a little. “Again?”

“Of course.” He kisses the top of my head. “I’m just warming up.”

My insides quiver as I register his words. Everything he says sounds amazing, and I want to do it all. “A breather?” I muse.

“Yeah, then I’m gonna ride you hard and fast if you wanna?”

I gulp as I look up at him. “Now you’re speaking my language.”

“I wanted to go a little easy the first time.”

“I love that. But I’m ready for more.”

He reaches down between my legs and feels my wetness and my heat. “That you are, baby. And I’m taking care of it right now.”



I flip her over as she squeals. I might have gone easy and made love to her the first time, but now that she’s definitely open and ready for me, I plan to drive her into oblivion. As much as I love to caress and feel my way into this new thing between us, I also love to go wild. And that’s what I plan to do.

I reach for my wallet and grab another rubber. I’m hard already, especially when I pull her up to all fours, and her ass sticks out towards me.

“You’re just reeling me in,” I moan, sheathing myself as I roll the rubber on.

“You’re doing it all to yourself,” she whispers.

“We gonna do this hard and fast, babe. If we get caught in the act, I don’t know what will happen.”

“Do I need to be quiet?” She plays along, and I grow even harder. I just love this kind of dirty talk. I love that bit of resistance, so I get to chase.