“What was the other thing?” I ask her, intrigued now.

She glances at me.

“You said there were two things.”

“Never mind. I don’t know why I’m even telling you this.” She shakes her head.

“Hey, I told you that you can be honest with me about anything.”

She sighs. Hopefully, she’s not wishing she’d said nothing. I meant what I told her. I want to know everything about her.

“Fine. Because it’s been a while, I worry I’m out of touch. Maybe a little.”

I gape at her and refrain from laughing because, surely, she has to be joking.

“What?” I try to clarify that I’m hearing that right.

“Well, I might not be that good at it anymore. I know sex is kind of basic, really, but you never know.”

I watch her face, and I can see it bothers her. There’s no way she can be bad at sex if that’s what she’s suggesting. “It’s not possible, Mads.”

“The last guy, unfortunately, never gave me much feedback.”

Her worrying about this is something I plan to fix straight away if she’ll let me. “Again, douchebags, babe.”

“This is just new for me, is all I’m saying. You looked like you had fun today, though.”

“Oh, I had fun.” I lean toward her, placing a hand on her thigh as she drives. She glances down at it as I watch the imprint her teeth make when she bites into her soft lip. I breathe into her neck and inhale. Her scent ignites my already burning senses. “I’ll tell you what else I had fun with—you sitting on me today with those succulent breasts in my face.”

She giggles as I rub my nose on her skin and then kiss her along her neck in soft, slow circles.

“You!” She breathes. “I’m trying to concentrate.”

“And so am I.” I chuckle. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was savoring my touch.

“What else did you like?” she asks.

I’m glad she wants to know, because I loved it all. “I especially loved pressing you up to the door with you jerking me off before the auction,” I tell her in between kisses.

“That was hot,” she agrees, sighing as I kiss her neck. “I think Tess knew we’d been up to something.”

“She seemed pretty cool, though,” I say, pulling back slightly. “I know she was thrilled you got the house for your clients. She was raving about you when you went to do the paperwork.”

Mads smiles as I sit back to look at her. I know she’s confident in her work environment, but I had no idea she lacked confidence with intimacy because of past idiots. I guess this is what you uncover when you get to know people a little better.

I glance at her. “You deserve to be treated like the queen you are,” I tell her from the heart. “And if the other idiots didn’t do that, more fool them.”

She smiles. “I know I keep saying it, but you’re very sweet, you know that?”

I sit back in my seat but keep my hand on her thigh. Not wanting to distract her while she’s driving. “I have heard that a time or two,” I joke.

She laughs.

The last thing I want her to do is doubt how beautiful she is and the way she makes me feel in such a short space of time.

I plan on making sure she never feels like she isn’t good enough or that her needs don’t matter. And if she lets me, I’ll be showing her tonight.

When we pull up at the Airbnb, we sit in the driveway when she shuts off the engine.