We both look at each other.

“Is that a thing?” he asks, using my words back at me now. He can’t contain his smile, and it’s damned infectious.

I give him a poke in the ribs as we walk towards my car. “Apparently, it is.”



By the end of the night, I almost wished there was something about Maddie that drove me nuts in a bad way, but there isn’t. I’m consumed by our instant connection, what we did back today, and everything we’ve been talking about all night.

As if that isn’t enough, she’s driving me nuts with her wit and sparkle.

And being able to talk about my dad so openly, that’s a whole new thing in itself. It’s not something I’ve shared with anyone else in a very long time.

The fact comes to mind—again—that I’m falling for her. Big time.

It’s a strange, unfamiliar reaction I’m having to her and the whole situation between us. But I feel helpless to stop it— Maybe I don’t want it to stop.

I glance over at her as we buckle up after we leave the restaurant.

She flicks her eyes to mine and I realize, not for the first time, she’s consuming me.

“So…” She sighs as she starts up the engine but doesn’t pull out of the lot.

I glance at her expectantly, not sure what I’m going to see in her eyes.

I guess the time has come to decide if we’re staying together tonight.

I know what I would rather do to top off a perfect day, and it doesn’t entail sleeping alone tonight. However, if that’s not what she wants, I’ll accept it.

“So?” I query, as I assume that’s what she’s asking me, but I want to hear it from her. I see some kind of internal dilemma flash across her eyes. It makes me wonder if she’s having doubts about me.

I reach to her face with my hand because I can’t stop myself from touching her and smoothing her cheek with the back of my knuckles. “What are you worrying your pretty little head about?” I ask.

She shrugs as we sit and idle for a moment. “I was going to ask if we were going to my place or yours for charades.”

I laugh and reach over to give her a swift kiss. “You’re so cute.”

“Cute?” She chortles.


“I still can’t believe you rented an Airbnb.”

I bite my lip ruefully. “I told you I didn’t want to assume anything. I was still trying to be a gentleman at that point.”

This makes her laugh, and she moves the gears into reverse. “And you’re not now?”

“I think we know I’ve been very bad when it comes to you.”

“Are you saying you don’t usually give a girl multiple orgasms before you take her out on a proper date?”

She amuses me like no other. I can’t wipe the smile from my face. “Not usually,” I confirm. “It may surprise you that I usually take things a lot slower than this.”

“Me too,” she confesses. “I’ve been a little carefree with you since we met.”

“I hope you don’t think that’s a bad thing.”