She shrugs, a little laugh escaping her mouth. “I don’t know, but it’s sexy.”

I grin. I dig that she digs it. “Later, I added the tribal patterns and flowers. They are native to Hawaii, and even though I wasn’t born there, I like to pay homage to my roots.”

“That’s very cool,” she says, tracing her finger around my neckline. “Did it hurt?”

“Like a motherfucker.” I laugh.

She laughs, too. “It’s pretty big, so I can imagine it would.”

We stare at each other for a moment. We both know what else is big.

She glances down, and I suck on my bottom lip for a moment. Our thoughts are both in sync.

“You keep kneeling like that in front of me, honey. I’m not going to keep my hands to myself anymore.”

She sits up a little and hugs her hands to her breasts, teasing me. “Not looking down my dress, are you?”

“Kinda hard to avoid, baby.”

“Maybe later you might get up close and personal with them.”

My cock strains even harder at her touching herself.

“Sounds like music to my ears,” I reply.

“You’re right, though, we should eat.”

I want to say something crude, but I refrain. Eating her out has not left my thoughts since we first got sexy over the phone. She reaches down to kiss me again, and it takes everything I have not to slide her onto my lap and unzip my jeans, unleashing the beast. God knows he wants to be set free.

“Let’s do that,” I say. “The night is still young.” And so is the innuendo in the air.

I don’t see how either of us can make it through the evening without going crazy. It adds to the sexual tension that has already been brewing.

I marvel at my resistance to skip dinner and have my way with her right here and now on the couch. But first things first. I need to take her on that date I promised.



The way he kisses me… It’s full of conviction. Like I’m the most important person on the planet. It makes me feel damned good, and I never want it to end.

We stand up eventually so we can grab some dinner.

We chose a rooftop restaurant called Almara. We have cocktails while waiting for our shared antipasto plate. Then, we enjoy jumbo prawns, Peruvian asparagus, and seafood pasta for our main course.

“Now, this is the life,” he says, looking across the restaurant deck to the water. “I could get used to this.”

“Must be great when you get some downtime,” I reply. “You guys work hard.”

“Yeah, it’s intense.”

“I can see that from what I looked up on the internet,” I smile over my fruity cocktail.

That gorgeous grin spreads across his face.She mentioned this earlier, and I planned to ask her just how much footage she had watched of me on the ice.

“You know, I liked the sounds of you checking up on me and the game.”

“I don’t want to come across as completely clueless.”