“You can bring your friends if you want to.”

“Oh, really?”

“The more the merrier.” I smile.

“My friends Wren and Elle will probably kill me if they don’t get to meet you.”

“I have enough tickets for everyone.”

“Are you always this generous?” she asks, looking at me from under her long lashes.

Her skin is balmy and glowing. I love the fact she doesn’t wear a ton of makeup, and I can see her freckles.

“Only to the people I like.” I can’t wipe the stupid grin off my face.

“You sure it’s not just to the women you decide to take into unlocked rooms at auction houses?”

I laugh, shaking my head. “First time for me, trust me.”

“After that walk on the wild side, I’m not sure if I can trust you.”

“It was spur of the moment. I’m not usually this forward.”

“But you made the exception with me?” she asks.

“I seem to be making a lot of exceptions with you,” I admit. “I booked an Airbnb, though, so you can kick me to the curb any time.”

“You did?”

He shrugs. “I didn’t want to assume you’d want a strange guy in your house.”

She laughs. “I don’t think you’re that strange. In fact, it’s very gentlemanly of you.”

I think she means that tongue-in-cheek because I’ve certainly been anything like that since I met her.

“Something like that.” I shrug.

“How about you show me where you’re staying? Then we can go to my place so I can get changed out of my work clothes and have dinner?”

“Sounds good to me.” It excites me to have this time with her. I want to delve into every aspect of her life. I want to know everything there is to know. Though I don’t want to appear like an obsessive, overbearing asshole, but I find it hard to hide my feelings once I’m falling for a girl. It seems crazy, even to me, to think I could be falling for her this quickly. But she’s reeling me in, and I’m letting it happen. I want it to happen. She could lead me anywhere at this point, and I would follow.

I want her to know all about me, what makes me tick.

I’ve felt a closeness to her that is new to me. I’ve felt closer to her than my last girlfriend, so that’s saying something.

Taylor always said he felt the pull towards Emmerson. It never really left him. It was always her, even after they broke up for all those years. I never knew really what he meant or whatthat could feel like. But now, I’m starting to understand because I think I’m having similar feelings towards Maddison. She seems to pull me in effortlessly. I want to go wherever she is, hear whatever she’s saying, and see my reflection in those beautiful, bright eyes.

I want it all.

“What do you do for fun when you’re not working?” I ask her as we settle into easy banter and sip our wine, enjoying the afternoon sun.

“I work out every day,” she says. “Hitting the gym or a yoga class, sometimes pilates. I get together with my friends Wren and Elle when I can, and Em too, before she decided to move, anyway.”

“I’d love to meet your friends. I meant what I said. They’re welcome to come tomorrow.”

She smiles, and I can’t help the effect it has on me. It makes me smile, too.

“Thanks, that’s so sweet of you. I’ll text them when we’re done here.”