Ashton’s usual happy-go-lucky smile is replaced with a cool air. His face is neutral.

“That would be me,” Ashton replies.

Phil sticks out his hand, suddenly like a kid in a candy store. He can’t believe his luck. “Phil Davie’s from Davies Agencies. If you’re ever in the market?—”

I don’t believe it. For all Phil knows, Ashton is my client! And talking as if I’m not even here is pretty rude.

“Thank you, Phil, but that won’t be necessary,” I interrupt, placing a hand on my hip.

“I’m Maddison’s client,” Ashton adds, nodding toward me.

My eyes widen.

“Oh.” Phil looks from Ashton to me, like that’s so hard to fathom.

“Among other things,” Ashton continues, sliding his hand back into mine.

Phil sees the exchange and quickly catches on, his eyes flicking back from our joined hands to my face. “Wow, umm… Well, I didn’t realize.” He looks at me with newfound wonder.

Surely it’s not that hard to believe? I don’t know whether to laugh or feel insulted. But I’m enjoying watching Phil squirm for once, so I say nothing.

“So, are you bidding today?” he asks Ashton, intrigued.

“Could be.” Ashton shrugs. “See how the fancy takes me.”

Phil clears his throat. I can see the thought of me, having a high-profile client like Ashton River’s has taken him by surprise. It’s like he can’t speak, and usually, he has more than enough to say when we run into each other.

“Anyway,” I interrupt before Phil can say anything else. “We better take our seats, Ashton, before the bidding begins.”

Ashton nods.

“Well, great to meet you,” Phil all but gushes. “Maybe after the auction, we can compare hockey notes?”

I almost splutter at the nerve of him.

“I have to whisk Maddie away for the weekend.” I hear Ashton reply.

Realistically, I’ve no idea what we’re going to do after this, but I like the idea.

Phil reluctantly backs off.“Nice to meet you.” He nods at Ashton, then looks at me.

“Are you bidding today, Phil?” I ask.Or just here to be annoying.

“I guess you’ll find out.” He shrugs.

I roll my eyes and tug at Ashton’s hand, ready to get to our seats. It shouldn’t feel like the most normal thing in the world being next to him and holding his hand like we’re together, as opposed to what we really are. But it’s magnetic. It’s like I can’t stop myself.

I see Phil in my periphery saunter off over to the other side of the room where his colleagues are waiting.

“He seems like a tool,” Ashton mutters.

“A big tool,” I confirm. “We were once at the same viewing. I was showing some clients a property, and while I went back to the car to grab my paperwork, he tried to steal my clients!”

Ashton shakes his head while he watches him for a moment. “He also has a crush on you, Mads.”

I burst out laughing, trying to contain my amusement.

He looks down at me with his eyebrow raised. “You don’t think so?”