“Don’t worry about me,” I breathe. Loving the way her flesh feels against my mouth and my fingers. Loving her little bodybouncing back and forth, knowing the door is unlocked and we could get sprung.

“You’re so sexy.” She moans as I quicken the pace and move to her other nipple.

I feel her body start to shudder as she calls my name. “Oh, Ash—right there, oh yes, oh yes. OHMYGOD.” Her body spirals as I milk her orgasm with my fingers over her pussy, and suckle her tit until she comes back down. This takes several moments, which makes me feel fucking ten feet tall.

I look up at her and can’t wipe the smile off my face.

“Wow,” she breathes, staring down at me as I look at her nipples sticking out of her bra and her skirt wrapped up around her hips. “That was so good.”

I chuckle. “I’m glad.”

“I want you to feel good, too.” Her fingers trail back down to my cock.

“Yeah, what do you have in mind?”

She glances at the door again as if remembering. “I should go lock…”

“You scared of me getting caught with my dick out?”

“A little…” she whispers, her face flushed, which turns me on all the more.

“Go lock it then,” I tell her.

She studies me for a moment and nods, sliding off me for a second as I help her to her feet. I have no intention of letting her lock that door, and I’m trying to figure out if she’s just teasing me or if she’s actually going to do it.

“My boss could be out there,” she says, making no attempt to tuck her tits back in.

Not that I want her to… but she doesn’t seem as worried now. We’re too far gone for that.

She walks to the door anyway, but I’m out of my seat in a second, stalking toward her just as she reaches the door. I push up behind her, pressing my dick into her ass as she gasps.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

She spins around to face me.

I bring my face down to her and kiss her roughly, and this time, I slip my tongue into her mouth and brush it over hers. She moans again in response.

I can’t last. I need to blow.

“Better not open the door… give them all a show,” I grin.

She gasps and pulls me closer.

I don’t want to fuck her like this for the first time, but I definitely want to in the future. However, her getting me off like I jerked off the other night is pretty hot.

“Yeah?” She tilts her head and pretends to reach for the door handle.

I grab her by the hips and push her into the door, not letting her escape.

She slides her hands down my sides and works her way to my crotch.

I place my hands on either side of her shoulders and watch her movements.

She rubs her hand over my bulge and wastes no time pulling down the zipper to set my dick free. I know I’m leaking precum, and I may last about two more seconds—embarrassing, but true.

“It’s even bigger in person,” she gushes.

I grin. “Pull it out.” Since we’re gonna go there, I may as well enjoy it.