“I know that. Kind of sexy, isn’t it?”

She laughs nervously but holds onto me, placing her hands on my arms.

I breathe into her neck. “I didn’t come here just to fool around,” I insist. “I mean that. You’re a hot little lady, and I’d love to do whatever you want. But I meant what I said about hanging out.”

She smiles as she breaks away. “That’s so sweet.”

“I’m not like your average guy,” I tell her. And in no way, shape, or form do I think I’m hot shit. I know I can pull it back if I have to, especially when we’re in a public place.

She wraps her arms around my neck. “While I don’t doubt that, please elaborate.”

“I can’t tell you all my secrets.” I shake my head.

“I think I need you to touch me,” she breathes.

My dick hardens even more, if that’s possible.

“Tell me we can’t again,” I say to her.

She looks at me quizzically for a moment.

I pull her closer so my mouth is at her ear, and I feel her shiver. “I dig it when you resist a little.”

She glances down at me. “Really?” Her eyes are round and curious.

“Damn straight.”

“You want me to tell you off for being bad?”

I laugh.“If that’s what you want, even better.”

She glances at the door again.

“Sexy as fuck isn’t it, knowing anyone could walk in.”

“Yeah, that Emma chick couldn’t take her eyes off you,” she muses.

“I’m not interested in her.”

“You know my boss could be out there by now.” She pales a little at that thought.

“You worry too much,” I tell her.

There’s no way this is usual for me. I never go into a woman’s place of work and do this. When I’ve been in relationships, I like to get adventurous when we fool around—I love the great outdoors—but this is taking it to a whole new level.

With her, it’s different. I want her to want me, but at the same time, I want it to be a little forbidden, a little bit taboo.

“Are you getting off knowing that?” she asks.

I reach for her hand and place it down on my dick.

She gasps.

I laugh. “What do you expect, you’re fucking gorgeous, Mads.” I could fuck her seven ways to Sunday right now over theback of this couch and still have her tidied up for the auction. But, it’s up to her. It’s all about what she wants.

“You’re a bad boy,” she says, undoing the ribbon on her shirt.

I lick my lips, as she rucks up her skirt so she can slide over me.