“God, imagine if you and Ashton get together for real,” Elle adds dreamily. “Two besties, with their two besties.”

I laugh. “Well, this is only our second date.”

“He must be very eager if he’s coming all the way here.” I can tell Wren is gung-ho for the whole thing.

“He’s coming to see his Mom and Sister in Tampa,” I tell them. “It just happens that I’m in the vicinity, sort of.”

“Ha!” Wren shakes her head, tucking into the tapas. “I doubt that it’s just because you’re in the vicinity, which it isn’t, by the way. Sounds like he can’t get enough.”

“He seems quite smitten,” I admit.

“Please tell me you’re going to bang him.” Wren sighs.

Elle shakes her head, sipping her wine. “She doesn’t have to bang him just because you say so.”

“Really?” Wren fakes a sad face, pretending to be put out. They both laugh their heads off.

“I’ll have you know we did FaceTime later that day when I was making dinner. He wanted to see me other than for our sexscapades.”

“Wait, what? Cooking naked now!” Wren splutters.

“Not naked!” I chastise. “Our minds weren’t totally on the pepperoni, you know. He wanted to see me cook, and we chatted.”

“You chatted?” Elle grins. “My God, he must be smitten. Maybe you’re right, it’s not just a sex thing.”

“Yeah, since we haven’t had sex,” I remind them.

“Please, for God’s sake, jump him the minute you see him,” Wren says.

“I think he’s coming to the auction, so that might be hard.”

“I bet it’ll be hard!” Elle is as bad as Wren when she gets going.

They both laugh like school girls while I try to shush them.

“A quickie out back before the auction starts. That ought to do it to start with!” Wren goes on.

“I honestly don't know my next move,” I tell them. Though I think it’s a given the way we’ve been carrying on. “One thing is certain: I’m not doing him at the auction!”

“Whatever happens, I want the full deets,” Elle says.

“Here, here.” Wren nods enthusiastically. “You realize I’m going to have to go home and bone my man because I’m horny talking about banging and quickies.”

I shake my head as I laugh with my friend. “Do it for those who can’t.”

“Oh, I intend to,” she says with a wink.

I smile, sitting back in the chair with my glass of wine. It’s been fun batting it out with my friends, and it’s given me a lot to think about, and given me a brief distraction from tomorrow and my nerves.

I have no idea what Friday has in store. But I’m sure looking forward to it.



When I arrive at my mom’s, she has nothing but a great big smile and a hug that I think will never end.

“My baby,” she says, immediately breaking into tears.