“Umm, look at where Ashton is!” Wren points out.
“I know,” I sigh. “Why the hell do I finally meet the man of my dreams, and he doesn’t even live close by, much less in another city. I don’t know if I recommend it, Ells bells.”
Elle laughs. “Hey.” She holds up her hands. “I may not be up for the challenge of an NHL star.”
“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” Wren wags a finger at her. “Look at Mads here. After just a few weeks of knowing the guy, she’s on cloud nine. They haven’t even had sex yet, or so she says!”
I almost spit my wine out again. “Hey, I have ears!”
Wren laughs and gives me a playful nudge. “Just messing with you.” She pauses. “So… did you really not have sex?”
“No,” I say affirmatively. “We did not have sex. Only the phone sex thing.”
“So, you watched him bang one out?” Wren says.
Elle, who is pouring us all another glass of wine just as our tapas arrive, almost spills it over the table. I think we need a nosh before the alcohol gets the better of us.
“I dread to think what you were doing.” Elle glances at me.
“Never mind about that.” I brush it off as we tuck in. “Let's just say watching him brought me to heaven and back.”
“That’s so damned sexy.” Wren sighs.
I glance at her. “Like you haven’t got the hottest guy in your bed every night who knows how to do you right.” We all know about her and Noah’s sexcapades. Let’s just say, they are very adventurous in the bedroom, and God knows where else.
“Oh, don’t worry, he does me right most nights.” She giggles. “And days, too. It’s just nice to hear others are having a good time, too.”
“Restores balance in the world.” Elle laughs, raising her eyebrows.
“Something like that.” Wren chuckles, squeezing my hands across the table. “On a serious note, you doing something for you for a change is a good thing.”
They both know I’ve struggled the past few years since mom and dad’s surprise divorce. I don’t see my dad as much as I’d like to. Our relationship has been more strained since he started dating someone new. It’s not like I don’t want my dad to be happy. It’s just a different dynamic now.
“I second that,” Elle says, raising her glass.
“To good times and to friendship!” Wren announces, trying not to spill her wine.
We all clink and take a sip before getting stuck into our tapas.
I’m sure Wren won’t be satisfied until I’ve spilled everything of what we did that night. She is what you would call sexually liberated.
Don’t get me wrong, when I’m with a guy, I’m kind of a million miles an hour. I’m not nick-named the little rocket for nothing.
I’m like that in most things, but it would be nice to slow down and smell the roses for once.
That’s something I rarely do. Which is why I’m glad I went with Em back to Seattle and helped her with her moving situation.
“How is Em doing?” Wren asks, as if reading my mind.
We’ve all hung out in a group many times, though I remained Em’s closest friend out of everyone. I was the one she confided in the most.
“She’s doing great. The way they just fit back together.” I sigh, clasping my hands. “It was beautiful to see.”
“I’m happy for her,” Elle says. “I think she’s always held a flame for Taylor. Some things you just can’t fight.”
I can’t wait for Em to get back for a while so we can all get together and catch up on everything. The last few weeks have been eventful.
“I totally agree. And Taylor is a great guy,” I tell them.