“It’s a damned shame if you ask me. And you should keep listening to Em. She speaks some wisdom,” I laugh.

“She always speaks highly of you.”

“Well, I try my best to be a good guy.”

“One would think you had a bad boy streak, judging by those tattoos.”

She clearly hasn’t seen the endorsements I’ve done over the years, where I’ve worn very little clothing. Again, I find it sexy that she doesn’t know any of this stuff.

“I have a few bad boy streaks. Once you get to know me, you might see them for yourself.”

“I think I’ve already seen a streak,” she jokes. “More than.”

I can’t help but laugh. “And I’m sorry about that. I guess we got a little carried away.”

“Maybe a little.”

“So, I guess I’ll see you Friday, if not before, over FaceTime.”

“You really are coming?”

“Yeah. I said I would. My mom is expecting me tomorrow for two days. Then I’ll take the train to Miami. I might see you at the auction if you want me to come.”

She laughs. “Really?”

“I would love to see you work. That could be fun.”

“Do you know much about the property market?”

“Not much,” I admit, “to my Father’s disgust. But I’m happy to hear all about it.”

I know I need to get packing for my flight tomorrow. But I could seriously sit and talk to her all night. I love watching her. It’s also been a pleasant distraction from my earlier interaction with my father. Then his latest lay showed up at the door.

Unfucking believable. It still hurts no matter how I look at things. I try not to let it bother me. There must be a reason he keeps pushing me to do something I don't want to do.

I can’t even begin to know where he’s coming from. Does he truly want me in the company if all we do is fight? For what reason?

I don’t even hold the same legal name as he does anymore.

None of it makes any sense. He should have washed his hands of me years ago if he hates me that much. Maybe there’s more to it than meets the eye?

Do I even care?

“Goodnight then,” I finally tell her. Peeling my thoughts away from the earlier unpleasantries, nothing good awaits me there. “I’ll call you before Friday.”

“Goodnight, Ash. Sweet dreams.”

“Right back at ya,” I say. “See you Friday.”


We click off, and I can’t help but already know my dreams will be sweet tonight, because all I’ll be dreaming about is her.



I’m pumped for the rest of the week, and it’s because of him.