When I check my watch, I realize I almost forgot about Maddie and her stir-fry cook-off tonight. That’s at least one thing that makes me smile. Though, I half wonder if I should blow off the evening after my spat with my dad.

I grab myself some takeout right after I send her a text, because I realize I can’t help myself, asking:

What’s the hold-up, beautiful?

A few minutes later, my phone pings.

I got held up at the food market

What a problem to have

I’ll be home soon. You can share a glass of wine with me ;)

God, how I wish I could be there right now.

Look forward to it

I was going to call my mom and confirm my flight details, but I’m not in the mood after my argument with dad. I don’t enjoy making her worry.

So, I’ll wait until later. Hopefully, my mood will improve when I talk to Maddison.

I think it’s already working.

I end up on the phone with Mads for over an hour.

I waft over the argument when she asks me how my meeting with my dad went. Of course, she knows nothing about him, and all I have the appetite for mentioning is how we don’t see eye to eye. It’s the biggest understatement of the year.

Instead of thinking about him and putting me in a damper of a mood, I just enjoy talking to her over FaceTime and watching her in the kitchen.

"I've learned to cook quick meals," she says. “It’s all I have time for.”

“I know the feeling,” I muse. I’m pretty domesticated myself, cooking my own meals when I can, and I don’t have a cleaner.

“What are you going to do when you come out here?” she asks when she turns off the stove and serves herself some stir-fry with steamed rice.

I warm up my takeout while she’s doing that, and we have dinner together while chatting. It’s kind of cute.

I almost forget the fact that I saw her semi-naked just a few hours earlier, and how hot she makes me feel. I also like this side of it. I enjoy seeing her in her own environment, doing something as arbitrary as cooking dinner.

“Pursue you,” I say, with a definitive nod. I don’t even hesitate.

She nearly chokes and gulps down some wine. “Pursue me, huh?”

“Damn straight, woman.”

She laughs. “You hardly know anything about me. How do you know you want to do that?”

I shrug. “I can tell. I have a good feeling about you.”

“Is that because you saw me topless?”

“Not just because of that,” I tell her. And I’m being sincere here. “I meet a million people every week, Mads. Especially on the road, but I rarely have anything in common with them. I haven’t hit it off with anyone like I’ve done with you, not in years anyway.”

“That’s a nice thing to say.”

“It’s the truth.”

“Em is always saying what a great guy you are. Can you believe our paths never crossed throughout college, even though our best friends were together?”