He doesn’t care that I’m a successful sportsman, and the fact that we just won the Stanley Cup doesn’t even so much as raise an eyebrow. I’m also a multi-millionaire and have set my mom and my sister up for life. Nope, that doesn’t come into the equation either.

If he could show me any sign of feeling, even in his pinky finger, that would be something.

I often wonder how my parents even got together. All I can muster is that my mom was young and impressionable and fell for his charms and bullshit promises.

Maybe he liked the idea of having a beautiful wife and two kids… but the novelty soon wore off.

As I walk into the reception of his office, I notice Genevieve, his secretary, isn’t there.

So, I just walk right in. I’m almost at his door when I hear my father’s voice like thunder talking to someone.

“You think it’s as easy as that? I would have done it long ago if it were that easy to get him on board. He’s too much like his Mother, always seeing the fucking romance in everything.”

I freeze with my hand on the doorknob. Great. Now he’s talking about me the second I walk into the building.

“I know we could take over the board by buying them out,” he continues, “But I won’t be able to overthrow shit until he’s thirty at this rate. I can’t turn water into wine, Carson.”

Ah. He’s talking to one of the directors on the board for the commercial real estate company he co-owns. Why the fuck it involves me makes no sense. He’s obviously not on speaker phone because I don’t hear Carson’s reply.

“I know that… His career won’t go on forever. He will realize that soon enough…”

I hear someone clear their throat behind me, and I spin around to see Genevieve looking pointedly at me.

“Gen,” I say sheepishly. Taking my hand off the doorknob. I take a step towards her and give her my most charming smile. “Good to see you again.”

She’s probably mid-fifties with short, gray hair and the best pair of legs I thought I’d seen until I saw Maddison’s. Yes. Verycliche. My dad has an attractive, mature secretary who takes care of herself.

“Likewise,” she muses.

She’s a gracious lady. I’ve no idea how she puts up with my dad. He pays well, obviously. And he trusts her. She’s worked here for over ten years. He's an asshole, but I don't have to spend as much time with him as she does. The shit she has witnessed and the broads she has encountered over the years would make you want to erase it from your memory. The woman deserves an award.

My dad is stylish, I admit. For a man in his fifties, he is fit, and he looks after himself. He has always snagged the women with the charm he obviously puts on for their sake. He’s anything but charming when you get to know him.

That’s the part I always hated about living with him. It was a different woman every week when I was still in high school. I was always running into different women in the hallway.

Kinda awkward, really.

He was never very discreet about how he went about his love affairs.

Now I wonder what he is discussing with Carson and how it involves me. Or what trouble he’s gotten himself into now. It wouldn’t surprise me. While not an idiot, my dad can be impulsive when he wants something, and I've witnessed deals go south.

We've had the same conversation over and over. I have no desire to work for him.

Not now, not ever. I’m not interested.

Wearing a business suit is only appealing to me during the games in season.

Helping kids and putting my skills to good use when the time comes is something that makes me feel good, knowing I can make a difference.

“I’ll let your Father know you’re here,” Genevieve says.

I shrug. I only agree so she won’t get in trouble for me just barging on in.

It’s not like he’s getting a blowjob under the table this time. He’s clearly mapping out what he wants me to do with my life to some asshole I barely know.

I walk into his office, before she’s barely finished announcing me over the intercom.

My father breaks off the call when I walk in.