Two sexting romps, and I’m ready to throw it all in for this girl.

“I would like that.” She sinks down on her heels as I sit up.

“I’ll just clean up,” I say, a bit tongue-in-cheek. I sure made a mess.

I get up and quickly clean myself, then tuck my dick back in. I keep the top of my pants open and my shirt off. When I return, I see she’s getting dressed.

Damned pity. I could stare at her all day.

“What are you doing tonight?” I ask her.

“Nothing much.” She shakes her head. “I'm making stir-fry and having a glass of wine.”

“I would love to see that.”

She laughs. “What do you mean, watch me cook?”

“Why not?” I shrug.

“You know I don’t cook naked.”

I chuckle. “I didn’t mean that. I like you. I’d love to see what you do when you’re not at work.”

“Well, I’ll let you know when I’m making dinner, then.”

“You do that. I'll be waiting.” Unfortunately, I need to get a brief visit with my dad out of the way before I head out to Florida. No doubt he’ll have something to say about me taking some time off. I’m sure he thinks I do absolutely nothing.

“I need to go to the store first. So, I’ll text you later.”

I nod. “Sure thing, I have to go and see my Dad. Wish me luck.”

I wish I could sit here semi-naked with her all afternoon, but I know there are other pressing matters to be had.

“Hey, and nice tatts,” she says as I notice her eyes flick down to my chest again. She can’t seem to stop looking at my body, and I dig that.

I have an eagle covering my chest, with colorful swirling patterns and plumeria flowers trailing down the right side of my body. They’re an homage to my Hawaiian heritage. The eagle has always been a powerful symbol to me of strength and courage, even when times have been tough I always find my way to a better place. “Thanks,” I smile. “Talk to you later, Mads.”

“Later, Ash.”

And just like that, we hang up.



Meeting my dad is never a fun pastime. In fact, we barely tolerate each other.

My mother, Nalani, should hate his guts, is forever reminding me I only have one father, and he is who he is— Like that’s any excuse.

I don’t know what made him so cold. But I always recall him being this way.

He’s hard. Very, very hard.

I don’t think I’m anything like him, and that’s probably why we clash.

I’m a lot more like my mother than I sometimes realize. I guess I’ve always wished things could be different, and there are times I’ve tried to be the bigger person and attempted to have a relationship with him. It never works out that way.

My father disapproves of my life choices. Full stop.