“You’ve done well, Mads. I have to hand it to you.”

“I know I have to deliver. There's a lot at stake," I say, imagining the experience of moving from one dream home to another. Mr. Overton is in the stocks trade. I don’t understand most of it. I just know they’re rich.

“They’re thinking of bidding on the Bal Harbor auction on Friday,” I tell her as I plonk my purse and all the paperwork I’ve been carrying on my desk.

She claps her hands together. “Nothing like short notice.” She thrives on this stuff.

“To make matters worse, they’re leaving on vacation before the auction.”

“That can become complicated.” Her brow furrows for about half a second. “But we can do their bidding. We’ve done it enough times to know.”

I nod. “It’s true.”

“Don’t be nervous,” she tells me. “I’ll even come with you if you need some moral support. Not that I think you need it, but everyone important is sure to be there.”

It’s a gorgeous Mediterranean estate with almost half an acre of land. It’s directly on the water in the guarded community of Bal Harbor Village. The impressive fifteen thousand square foot lot with prime water frontage awes me the most. Thisextravagant property has four bedrooms, six bathrooms, a library, an office, a pool, a jacuzzi, and a summer kitchen. It is conveniently close to shops, beaches, and other attractions.

“I may need some moral support,” I say, though I’m not sure Tess breathing down my neck will evoke my fighting spirit. I know I need my game on for Friday.

If they decide they want to bid, Mr. Overton won’t be happy if he doesn’t get what he wants.

She smiles at me. “What else has got you so smiley-smiley?”

I do a double-take as I’m putting my things away. “What do you mean?”

She pushes her glasses up on top of her head. “You can’t fool me, Mads. I’ve known you a while now, honey. I see the spark in your step and the gleam in your eye.”

“There is?” Maybe it’s all the phone-sex reminiscing I’ve been doing, though I didn’t think it was obvious. And I’m not about to admit it to Tess.

“Who’s the guy?” she asks.

She has a strong instinct for these things. I know better than to hide this from my boss. She’s divorced and has recently started dating again. She’s juggling a few guys at once at the moment. I don’t blame her. She’s a pistol, and a beautiful, successful woman who’s built her real estate business, Tessa Lane Properties, from scratch.

“There’s no guy.” I shake my head, hoping that’s as believable as I think it sounds.

She laughs. “Bullshit. Who did you meet in Seattle? I’ve been telling you this for as long as I can remember. There’s nothing wrong with a good romp in the hay when you need it.”

“As sad as it may seem, there’s no romping.”

“You definitely need to get out more.” She seems disappointed I have no juice to spill. Well, not juice I’m sure about spilling right now.

Tess is pretty open about these things. She may be tough in the real estate industry, but we can still have a relaxed conversation about men, at least.

“You’re probably right.” I sigh. I bite my lip as the thought of Ashton pops into my brain once more. I need to text/flirt back to him as soon as Tess leaves.

“There, that look!” She points at me with her hand on her hip. “And don’t give me any more song and dance stories about being over the moon about the Overton’s listing.”

I laugh. “Alright, alright.” I try to wave it off. “There might be a guy. I'm not sure yet.”

“I knew it!”

I don’t know why I’m confessing this to my boss. She has a talent for coaxing things out of me, even when I resist. I don’t suppose it would hurt to get some perspective on this current situation.

“He’s a friend of my best friend, Emmerson.”

“Ooh, do tell.”

I want to keep his identity a secret for now. Plus, she’s ice hockey crazy and loves the Miami Spirit in the NHL.