“It kinda sucks about the distance thing.”

“Yeah, I know. Speaking of which, how are you and Taylor going to navigate this?” I ask. We haven’t had chance to talk about it since I got back. She stayed in Seattle for a little longer than planned. Her dad had a hospital scare, and she wanted to wait until after the playoffs.

Em and I moved her belongings into storage just before she went to Seattle. She had just moved out of the place she shared with her ex, Doug. He’s the only guy she’s dated since Taylor. They broke up six months ago, and the house was just sold.

“I'm returning to Florida to sort things out. Taylor will join me soon while he has some downtime. He just wants to make sure his Mom is okay after the surgery.” Taylor’s mom had a brain tumor health scare just recently and is due to go into surgery any day.

“How is she doing?” I ask.

“She’s doing pretty good, considering.”

“That’s good, Em. It’s great she has the support of everyone around her.”

“Yeah, with all the health issues, we both want to be close to our parents. I decided I’m going to try to get a transfer to Seattle,” she tells me.

I knew it was probably coming. They can’t live long distance. “Em, that’s great news. I mean, not that you’ll be leaving. I’ll miss you, but I’m happy that you’re happy.”

“Thanks, Mads. Everything happened so fast, we’re still kinda navigating things.”

“You’ll work it out. You’ve just gotta promise to visit.”

“Of course, we’ll visit. And I don’t see us being in Seattle forever. We will probably move to Florida when Tay’s hockey days are over. Or live between the two so we can see our parents often.”

“That sounds good.”

It warms my heart that a love like this exists.

I think I do believe in love despite my reservations about it. Just because my parents had a rocky divorce doesn’t mean that everything ends badly. I was mistaken about their relationship lasting a lifetime, but I know it’s not that way for everyone.

I've had my fair share of idiots, and never really found what everyone says you’re supposed to find. I guess I have been unlucky in that respect. I plowed myself into work even more when mom told me she and dad were getting a divorce. I was completely caught off guard. I thought she was joking.

“It’s wonderful you’re already talking about the future,” I say. “I knew it when he first saw you at the game. I could see that he was still in love with you.”

“You could?”

“Yeah. I mean, it seemed obvious to me.”

“I can’t even tell you how good it feels.”

“Can you believe you went back home and got back together with Taylor?”

“I know, it’s insane.” She laughs.

“Well, I gotta go. But keep me posted what you two love doves are up to,” I say.

“Will do. Keep me updated on Ash, but maybe it's better if I don't know…”

I laugh. “Hopefully, some more hot phone sex.”

“Too much info. Hanging up now.”

I shake my head and make my way to my appraisal appointment.

I have no idea what came over me last night. I’ve never done that kind of thing before, especially with a guy I barely know. I’m still bummed that he’s been best friends with Taylor for years, and I’ve been best friends with Emmerson since forever, and we only just met.

Em and I both used to live in Portland. She moved during junior high to Seattle, and a few years later, my folks moved to Florida. I love the climate here, and it feels like home to me.

I take my hat off to Emmerson, but I’m not sure how I’d move cities if I were in her shoes.