“Sounds good,” I say.

“I’m just heading in to work to sort some things out with my boss, with me transferring to his Seattle firm for the time being.”

I knew that’s what she’d planned on doing, and it seems to all be working out for the best. “Alright, I’ll talk to you in a bit,” I reply.

“I’m catching up with the girls later. Let me know if you need anything.”

“I will.”

We hang up, and I go in search of coffee. I sit back and enjoy some time on my own for half an hour. That is until I get a text from my dad in reply to the message I sent the other day. I don’t get offended by the fact it sometimes takes him a few days to answer. He hates technology and texting.

Hi honey. Would love to catch up when you have time. I can take you to Casablanca’s. I know you love it there. Let me know when is good for you. Dad.

I stare at the screen, knowing I can’t continue to keep my dad on the back burner, not after what’s happened in Ashton’s situation. My parents grew apart. I have to accept that like an adult. My mom accepted it. Why can’t I?

I quickly type back

Sounds good, dad. Will have to be the week after next. I’m temporarily back in Seattle.

I’m sure he won’t respond straight away asking me what I’m doing back in Seattle, but I’m glad we’re making future plans. If this whole thing has taught me anything, it’s the fact that you have to make an effort with your family and realize that everything they do isn’t perfect. And my dad has been instrumental in shaping me to be the woman I am today.

Ashton calls me right after I sent the text, saying he’s ready to leave.

He meets me out the front of the hotel. I give him a big hug straight away, and he folds into my arms.

“Are you okay?” I pull back to look at him. I can see his eyes are bloodshot.

“I’m probably better than I look,” he says, taking my hand as we head back to his car.

“How did it go?”

“Not the best moment of my life,” he admits. “But I guess it’s all out in the open now.”

“How did your Mom take it?”

“She was devastated and completely shocked when I found out.”

“I’m so sorry.” I give him another hug as we reach the car.

“She says David was cheating and she’d just found out about it. She was planning to leave him, in fact, she told him so before she found out she was pregnant. In her eyes I guess it was really over with him. Then he bolted anyway when he found out.”

“Ash, that’s so awful.” I feel for his mom and the situation she was in, it’s mind boggling.

“I guess neither of them could really face the truth. Though, she says later on she did a paternity test.”

My eyes are round like saucers by now. “She did?”

“Yeah, it was when we were kids. She says Kate and I have the same DNA, so that makes James my Father. But he would never listen.” He glances at me.

“How accurate do you think those things are?”

I shrug, having no idea. “Would you find out for yourself from your Father’s DNA?” I ask, tentatively. “I mean, not that you don’t believe her. But for your own peace of mind.”

“Maybe, I mean, I should know, right? It’s a lot to take in,” he says. “I just need some time.”

“I totally understand.”

“I need to get you home.”