And I don’t take her in anger or in frustration. I take her as the woman I’m in love with and want with me while I go through this turmoil. Our bodies move together as one, while I’m reminded of the fact I can find good in even the worst kind of circumstances.

The only problem is, I’m never going to want to give her up.



I make a few phone calls of my own before we head out the next day to the airport.

I don’t even know what Ashton will say to his mom or how the heck I’m going to be a witness to it all, but he’s made it clear he wants me there, and that he needs me.

So, I’m not going to deny him. It freaked me out when he fainted last night. I can hardly blame him, given the shock of it all. It’s all just so unbelievable.

I feel for him, having some of the answers he always wanted, but now there’s even more questions. And the delivery in which they came is a hard pill for anyone to swallow, even someone as composed and calm as Ashton Rivers. And the fact remains, he still doesn’t know who his biological father is.

Making love that morning, along with us both confessing our love for each other, was really a turning point for both of us. It may not have come at the best time, but I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be right now.

It’s a very quiet affair in the car when Ashton drives his mom, sister, and her boyfriend to the hotel. Kate’s boyfriend, Kenny,sits in the front, and they talk about the game while we girls sit in the back.

All he said at the airport to his mom was that they needed to talk at the hotel. He didn’t want to cause any drama at the airport. She had tried to call him umpteen times before they even got on the plane, but he won’t take her calls.

His sister and mom both seem lovely. His mom is a tiny lady with dark hair and beautiful dark almond eyes. Right away, I could see a lot of her in his features. His sister is absolutely stunning. Ashton wheels her out of the airport, walking ahead of us a little. I know he isn’t about to tell Kate what he’s learned here and now, but he has to break the news to her as well at the hotel. I don’t know if she knows anything.

“Ashton was telling me you know nothing about ice hockey,” Kate tells me on the way to the hotel. I can already see in the first few moments of meeting her she is as kind and sweet as Ashton is.

I laugh, trying to make light of the situation and the tension in the air. “Yeah, I’m pretty terrible with the rules.”

“Or anything else to do with ice hockey,” Ashton chimes in from the front. I see him smile at me in the review mirror, a small smile, but there all the same.

“Hey, I’m trying to learn!” I protest.

Kate laughs. “I’m not too great with all the rules, either.” His mom sits completely still and silent the whole way there. Her mind must be reeling. I really hope I can exit the room when we get there so they can have it out in private.

There’s a lot for them to work out.

Ash and I went to see Genevieve at home before we went to the airport, and I asked if I could help with any of the arrangements. She’s organizing the catering and the venue while I arrange the flowers and the funeral notice for theSeattle Times.

Ashton told me over and over again that I didn’t have to do that, but I know it takes a burden from him, and I don’t want him to deal with all these little details at the moment.

I am more than happy to help. Between the two of us, we pretty much have it all arranged. I let Tess know I’ll be here for at least a week until after the funeral.

Since the Overton’s place is sold, and she’s looking after my listings, I don’t need to worry too much. I can talk to my clients even while I’m in Seattle and do work on my laptop. Everyone understands.

When we get to the hotel, I opt to go back to Ashton’s place for a while so they can all talk, but Ash makes it clear he isn’t staying very long.

He booked a two-bedroom suite for them downtown. I sit in the separate living space with the door closed, while they move into the kitchen and dining area. Kenny looks a little lost and out of place, too, but Kate insists he stays.

Everything is quiet for a while, and I assume that’s because they’re reading Ashton’s father’s letter.

Then I hear his mother crying. It’s so awful. I switch the TV on, but it’s not enough to drown out their voices.

“How could you do this to me?” I hear Ashton saying. “You knew why he treated me the way he did the whole time!”

“Ashton, it was never as easy as that. I’m so sorry! My parents all but disowned me after I got pregnant out of wedlock, and David left me the minute he found out. There was so much happening at once that I couldn’t process it all. James and I were only together that one time before your father left. It wasn’t an ongoing thing until later on. He was there for me in ways you can never imagine. He was different then. I know it’s hard to believe, but there was a time he was softer, and he helped me get through it.”

He scoffs. “So, my Dad was the hero in all of this? Am I still supposed to be calling him that?”

“He was the only Father you ever had, Ashton. David showed his true colors the moment everything got real.”