“You do know. But maybe you’re right. I should give it a try.”

He perks up instantly, a bit more life shining back in his face again. I think he likes the fact I don’t really know how to do this or anything to do with his sport.

We size up our skates and fasten them on. I’m nervous as hell.

“You just glide one foot in front of the other. I won’t let go of you,” he tells me.

“I’m sure that’s easy enough for you to say.”

"Don't be scared," he tells me. You can hold on to the edge as well as me.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I will be doing that!”

He guides me out onto the ice, and I instantly get the feeling of how Bambi felt. Except I don’t have the long, gangly legs to go with it, and that’s probably a good thing. “Bend your knees a little, but keep your head up. Watch me,” he says. “Just make the movements small.”

“You can just pull me along if you like.”

He laughs. “I should teach you how to fall first. That’s the first lesson I ever learned.”

“Not very reassuring,” I tell him nervously. “Aren’t you supposed to be hanging onto me so I don’t fall?”

“Just in case,” he says with a little twinkle in his eyes.

“How about I learn how to stop if I need to?”

He laughs, shaking his head. “Just let me glide with you like a march on the ice. If you need to stop, push your feet apart while skating and stick one skate out sideways, like this.” He demonstrates. “Similar to skiing, I guess.” He eyes me as I shrug.

Nope, never been skiing either.

So I let him lead me as he literally pulls me forward and impressively moves backward, not taking his eyes off me the whole time.

“You’re doing it,” he says after a few moments.

“You’re doing all the work,” I point out.

“Nope.” He shakes his head. “You’re a natural.”

“It is kind of freeing,” I admit. “The feeling of gliding is pretty cool.”

He laughs as he keeps skating backward, watching me cautiously. “I can’t even tell you how you look right now.”

“Terrified?” I chortle.

“Nope, definitely not that. It’s super hot, Mads. Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

He comes to a stop, which means I stop, too, and he tilts my chin up with his hand.

“I’ve missed you, too.” My heart skips a beat as I say it.

“It felt like a lot longer than a few days,” he says.

“It did.”

He reaches down and softly kisses me as I grab onto his forearms. “Now I’m getting distracted,” he groans, pulling back and gently gliding back again.

It is way too easy to get distracted with him.

So we spent the next hour getting distracted on the ice as I learned to skate. He teaches me some basic moves and, at one point, lets go of my hand. I can’t believe I’m doing it. We’re both a little flushed when we finish up at the same spot we started, and he helps me off the ice out of my skates.