I forget Tyler is the oldest out of all of us, being thirty-three, and he’s been talking about the possibility of hanging up his skates after the next season.

“Yeah, I got a few years on her.”

“Kinda hot for you, bro. Dating a younger girl.”

“Definitely makes me keep on top of my game, so to speak.” He eyes Jay again. “And you all better keep your mouths shuton this, too, at least until we sit down with Coach and spill the beans.”

“So, you’re waiting to talk to her Dad before you hit any bases with her?” Jay chuckles, shaking his head. “You need some pointers, bro?”

Ty gives him another shove. He’s a lot bigger than Jay, and we all know he could take him, not that it would come to that. “It’s not like that. And yes, I’ve hit bases. We’ve done some stuff, that’s all I’m going to say.”

“Well, again, if you need a pointer or two, I can make a girl find nirvana without even getting her clothes off.” Jay shrugs.

“Thanks, but I’ll give it a miss with your unhelpful advice,” Ty replies.

Jay chuckles and pats him on the back. “Hey, I’m all for you and Cindy. She seems like a great chick.”

“You need to have that talk to Coach,” Taylor says. “Sooner rather than later.”

Tyler has been saying this for weeks now. It could be months, for all I know.

My cell rings from in my back pocket. I wouldn’t normally have it with me on the ice, but I’ve wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any updates from the hospital.

A chill runs through me, not from the cold of the rink, but when I see it’s Doctor Parson’s calling. My heart is in my mouth because I don’t know why he’s calling or how it’s going to go.

“It’s the hospital,” I tell the guys before I slide to answer. “Hello?”

“Ashton.” Doctor Parson always sounds very formal and serious, so I don’t panic right away. But then he takes a breath. I hear it, and I falter.

“I’m sorry to have to tell you this?—”

I swallow, not hearing anything else.Fuck.A moment of silence drags on while I wait for the words.

“Ashton, are you still there?”

“Y-yes.” I somehow find my voice skating slightly away from the guys as they all watch on. “I’m here.”

“I’m sorry to give you this news over the phone, but your Father has unfortunately just passed away.”

I stand there frozen. A chill like I’ve never felt before washes over me as I try to resonate with the words he’s saying. But they run over me, and I feel empty.

Completely empty.

I drop to my knees. “What? Doc, what are you saying?”

I feel Taylor beside me first, kneeling next to me on the ice.

My whole body feels like it’s going to give way.

He repeats it, adding, “I’m so sorry, Ashton.” At the end.

I take a deep breath. “I’ll be there as soon as possible,” I tell him before I drop the phone and run my hands over my face.

“Fuck,” I hear Taylor curse next to me.

“He’s dead,” I say, as I look up to see Jay and Tyler standing close. “The fucker went and died on me.”

Taylor holds out his hand to help me up and keeps his hands on me while we get to the edge of the rink. Then he pulls me into a tight bear hug.