“I don’t think so. There doesn’t appear to have been another car involved. He may have lost control of the car from what I can gather so far.”

“I’ll talk to the police in the morning,” I say, taking a sip of the Starbucks she brought in. It comes at a welcome moment. “Thanks for the coffee.”

She walks over to the bed and perches on the end. “I’m sorry you had to find out the way you did when you were visiting your Mom. The flight must have been harrowing.”

I nod. “Yeah, a million thoughts were going through my mind.”

“If there’s anyone that can pull through this, it’s your Father,” she says kindly.

“How in the hell have you put up with him for so long?” I ask. The words shoot out of my mouth before I can stop them. Maybe now isn’t the most appropriate time to be having this chat.

The nurses work around us, but we continue to talk.

She sighs. “He was always fair to me,” she says, glancing at him. “A no-nonsense man, as you know. But he always treated me well.”

“You are good at what you do, so I guess it goes without saying.”

He would be completely lost with the paperwork side of things and keeping appointments without Genevieve.

“I’m sorry it’s come to this,” she says. “I know it hasn’t always been easy.”

Yes. She knows it. She would have heard the whole thing the last time I was in his office. She definitely saw me storm out. She’s seen the women come and go, too.

She’s seen it all.

It’s always been that way with us. Every time I meet up with him, it has always made me anxious. And I guess I have always felt frustrated with how difficult he can be.

I feel like a martyr even being here because we’ve never had a loving relationship. I can’t even say that I have a deep love for my dad.

I swallow those unspoken words and sip my coffee. “It’s never been easy,” I say quietly. I glance at him now with thebleep machines in rhythm and shake my head. “I just never thought it would come down to this.”

I run my hand through my hair, feeling more weary.

We finish our coffee in silence before Doctor Parsons returns from his rounds.

Genevieve and I both stand.

“I think we call it a night,” I sigh. There’s clearly nothing more we can do here tonight.

“That sounds like a good idea,” she agrees.

Genevieve’s presence is a God-send. It definitely calmed me down. It reminds me that sometimes generosity comes from unlikely sources.

To my dad, I’m sure she’s just an employee, and as much as she says he has always been good to her, there are times I wonder. She deserves a medal for showing up every day.

“Get some rest,” Doctor Parsons says. He assures me I will be notified if there are any changes throughout the night.

“Alright.” I follow him back out to the hallway, where Emmerson and Taylor sit waiting. They both jump up when they see me.

Genevieve says good night, and I quickly fill them in, even though there isn’t a lot to say.

“This is seriously fucked,” Taylor says.

“Yeah, it is,” I agree.

“Let’s get you home,” Emmerson adds. “You need to rest. You’ve had a long flight, and everything on top of this.”

I feel exhausted, though I don’t know if sleep will come.