Page 5 of Renegade

Once the bus pulled into the giant circular drive and grunted to a stop in front of the drawbridge-like doors, she got up and bowed dramatically. This woman was a trip. “Welcome to the Urban Rehabilitation Academy, new students and old. I’ll see you when the semester ends. Take care of yourselves in there.”

Not weird at all.

She then opened the bus doors, but even though June and I were at the front, we were the last ones out. The other students hopped off and waited for the doors to open. A woman appeared, clapping some of them on the shoulder and lifting her chin at others.

If I could get away with not being greeted by her, it would be great.

“Go on, you two. Take care of each other. It’s a war zone in there.” The bus driver nearly pushed us out as we both clung to our bags. Well, my one bag. June had four and carried them without any trouble. She was tiny and mighty.

“Here goes nothing,” June muttered. We walked inside, approaching the woman with a blood-red skirt suit and her hair cut close to her head. Large pearl earrings weighed her lobes down.

“You are June Harding and you…oh, you must be Karelis Sol. Welcome both of you. The others have gone into their dorm rooms from the last term, but you two follow me.”

She led us through a hallway with marbled floors and tree-tall ceilings where the only sounds were the echoes of her square heels hitting the floor beneath her. I snickered to myself as the slit in her skirt revealed a thigh tattoo as it swished on her thighs.

“Here is the main office in case you should need anything. Let’s pick up your welcome packet and your schedules here then we will proceed to your dorm room.” We stood outside the office while she chatted, interrupting a man on the phone. He looked up and nodded once before handing the woman a stack of papers and then went back to his phone call.

“Ms…” I started since she hadn’t told me her name.

“Oh, where are my manners? I’m Hollis James but all the kids call me Miss Hollis. I’m the headmistress’ administrative assistant, and this is Ranger, our school secretary.”

He waved while we were leaving.

“Ms. Hollis, do I need to fill out any paperwork? I know I’m a last-second acceptance.”

She shook her head. “No. We got everything from the headmistress at UA. We have it all.”

“Oh…okay.” I had given the other headmistress some details, but perhaps in trying to help me, she had made up the rest. I only hoped I didn’t screw it up, mixing up details.

“This way. You two are on the freshman floor. There’s a map in your welcome packets, but the students are very helpful with directions. They know all the shortcuts between buildings andsuch, but be aware. After all, this is a rehabilitation academy. Not everyone has your best interests in mind.”

Gods, what had I gotten myself into? Ask the students, but beware the students.

My calves burned, and my stomach growled as we speed-walked from the main building to the next. She gave us some general directions, pointing out some newer structures along the back that were out of sight from the front view of the school. Behind the threatening but picturesque rectangle castle where we’d entered the school, there were expansive buildings. Some held classrooms. The one in the middle was a library and study hall, and the others were a gymnasium and a dining hall.

“There is a smaller library in the main building as well. All of your meals are provided, of course. Uniforms are in your closet, along with shoes. Backpacks are standard and provided as well. All of the rules and standards are in your packet.”

June stopped walking. “Uniforms? No one said anything about uniforms.”

Ms. Hollis let out a long breath but never turned around to face us. “This isn’t play school where you get to have a fashion show, Miss Harding. This is where you learn discipline and order. And nothing says order more than everyone wearing the exact same thing. Can we proceed? It’s getting dark.”

“Yes, please,” I responded. Even though I’d only known June a few hours, I tugged on her elbow. She rolled her eyes at Ms. Hollis but let me tow her along.

Once we were in the room, I nearly dropped my bag. It was right out of one of those inspiration boards. The walls were dark teal and simple twin beds were in dark wood frames with carved headboards with dressers and nightstands to match. Even the desks were the same stain. The comforters looked new and plush. It had been months since I slept in a bed that wasn’t a seedy motel.

“Bathroom is through there. Every room has its own. The rest is in your packet.” Ms Hollis turned to give us a stern look. Her hands were on her hips. “Learn the packet. Tattoo it to your memory because everything you need to know and every rule you need to follow is in that packet. You’d be wise to follow it if you intend to stay here and graduate. Good night, ladies. I will see you both in the morning.”

She shut the door behind her, and I was surprised she didn’t lock us in. There were no sounds in the hallways or from anywhere on campus, actually. Perhaps the other students hadn’t arrived. Maybe the rules were so strict they feared making a peep.

“Hey, Karelis?” June asked, tossing her bags on the nearest bed.


“Where in the hell are we supposed to be in the morning?”

Chapter Six
