Page 22 of Pawn

"Could be," Rook replies, his voice steady. "What's it to you?"

Nero pours three glasses of amber liquid, offers one to each of us. We each take a glass. Rook sips, Luka puts his on a little table by the door.

I down mine in one.

"Cut the crap, Rook," Nero pushes, leaning in. "I'm talking about eros. Heard of it?"

I don't know what the hell that is, and Rook has briefed me on what we carry. Rook doesn't look remotely surprised though, bluffing like a pro.

"Rings a bell," Rook says, swirling the remains of his drink. "But it's not on my menu. Not yet."

"Yet?" Nero's eyebrow raises, a silent challenge.

Rook sets his glass down with a clink that hangs too long in the silence. "Got to test the waters before I dive in," he says. "You know how it goes. There's always a risk--and I'm not one for risks, Mr. Rossi."

Nero chuckles. "Of course--but find out for me. Eros could be big and I want in before it hits the streets."

"Sure." Rook's lips pull into something that might pass for a smile if you don't look too close. "Once I clear it with Mr. Solace--unless, of course, you're planning on jumping ship and joining us in Celestial Hills."

Nero snorts. "And leave my beautiful clubs in Echo Beach? Nah, I don't think so--no matter how violent my brother gets."

He puts his glass down, at I guess that's our cue to leave, because Rook stands up.

"Great doing business, as always," Rook says, reaching out to shake Nero's hand. "And thanks for the whiskey."

"Your friend didn't finish his," Nero says, gesturing at Luka.

Luka doesn't move a muscle. Rook grabs his glass and downs it.

"Mr. Petrov isn't one to drink on the job," Rook says.

The two of them leave first, with me straggling behind. I'm about to follow them, but Nero catches my arm, meeting my eyes.

I freeze, wondering if I'm about to get killed.

Like I said, this guy is dangerous.

"Keep your ear to the ground, Finch," Nero advises, a slow grin creeping across his face. "Dreamland's got its own constellation, and she's the brightest star in that sorry sky. You'll see."

I frown. "What are you talking about?"

"That's unmistakable," he says, his eyes narrow. "You've been with Stargazer over at Eddy Arquette's place...and you're not the only one."

"Sounds like trouble," I muse, watching him closely.

"Only if you give in," Nero retorts, his grin sharp enough to draw blood. "But then, you Angels always did like playing with fire."

"Who doesn't?" I shrug, stepping back. "Thanks for the heads-up, Mr. Rossi."

"Anytime," he says, but we both know that's a lie.

That wasn't just a friendly warning.

It was a threat.

Chapter nine
