“Good to know.”
“You know a lot about my turn ons for someone I haven’t had sex with,” I inform him. He has a look of concentration on his face. Like he’s truly filing away this detail for later use. “I feel like I should regret giving you that little tidbit so easily, but it can only benefit me in the long run.”
“Unless I withhold my bossiness as punishment.” It’s an empty threat, but it has the desired effect on me. My smile disappears.
His eyes are glued to my lips and the pout that forms on them. Does he want to lick them like I want to lick him? “Oh shit. Don’t do that. Gosh. I’m going to sleep right now. See?” To show him I’m serious, I remove my glasses, then bundle myself up and close my eyes.
“Mhm, g’night, Sky.” His voice is soft. My body is melting into my bed.
“Night, Landon.” And I’m gone.
Sky and I crossed a line last night. We’ve been skirting the edges of propriety for a while now, but this time? There’s really no denying it, we leapt over it with giant leaps and bounds.
There’s something about him that makes me throw caution to the wind.
I’d rather talk to Sky than get off with Savannah. That right there is a giant red flag if I’ve ever seen one. Something is wrong with me.
And I’m a jerk. I still haven’t texted her back. And it’s been days. She knows I’m getting home today, so I know I can’t avoid her much longer. Either way, I’ll be seeing her Thursday. Her best friend Nadia is married to my teammate Bash.
However, I have a more pressing matter at hand.
What am I going to do with this growing sexual tension between me and Sky?
We’re just getting back to the RCA. After I grab my bags, I’ll be on my way to Sky’s. Can we act normal around eachother after everything that was said last night? Do I want to act normal? I know the answer. I don’t want to, but I have to. There’s no other acceptable alternative.
There’s not much chit-chat between the guys when our charter bus parks behind the arena. We’re all wiped and ready to get the fuck away from each other for a bit. Just because we have our own hotel rooms while we’re on the road, doesn’t mean we have much personal space. I love these guys, but I need some distance.
My cup runneth over and I need a break for real.
On that note, I have no business taking my ass to Sky’s. Quite frankly, I should be heading home to sleep for the next twenty-four hours. Minimum.
This opportunity is too good to pass up, though. Sacrifices must be made when our schedules rarely line up.
I’m near the back of the bus, the guys ahead of me already standing in a mad rush to get home to their families. I’d rather avoid the crush. Pulling out my phone, I send Sky a quick text. He assured me he would be awake, but I’m still concerned.
Me: Hey, GM. Just got to the arena. I’ll be on my way in about ten minutes or so. Just gotta grab my shit and toss it in the truck.
The text dots pop up right away.
Sky’s the Limit: Good morning??
Of course he included a smiling sunshine emoji.
Sky’s the Limit: Hungry? I can get started on breakfast.
My fingers are tapping out a message telling him not to trouble himself, when my stomach growls loudly.
Me: Honestly.
Me: I’m starving.
Sky’s the Limit: I gotchu. I was thinking of making a traditional breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. Sound good?
It sounds so good, it makes my stomach growl some more.