Before I even process the incoming FaceTime call, I’m already hitting accept. Because this is what we do now. We skip the pretense of a call and jump straight to video.
Who cares that we’ll be seeing each other in less than twelve hours.I need more.
“Hey, you. How are you?” I ask him softly.
He’s already lying on his side, with his phone propped between his hand and pillow. It seems to be his favorite position. He, too, is shirtless again.
During our calls, I’m all over the place. Right now, I’m on my back, phone in one hand.
He sighs, then sends me a small smile. “I’m good. Could be better, of course, but tomorrow is a new day. We win some, we lose some.”
I can’t help myself; a smirk twists my lips. Because I can read him. “Is that your way of saying you don’t really want to talk about it?”
A gust of laughter leaves his mouth. “Yes, Sky, that’s what I’m saying. We’ll rehash the whole game at practice after All-Star Weekend. I need an escape from that right now.”
“I got you, boo. Let’s escape away. Where would you like to go? Anywhere at all.” My free hand gestures around.
He laughs, and I mentally fist pump at my success.
“Bash is having a yacht party on Thursday. Most of the team will be there. Significant others and friends are welcome. Savannah will be there. You should come.” Mikhail Abashev is one of our veteran defenders.
My gasp escapes me without my permission. “Shut up!” Of course, my reaction makes him laugh again. “Landon, really?”
His emerald eyes meet mine. “Yes, really. It’ll be fun.”
Excitement fills me. I’m going to meet more of the Bull Sharks players. What is life? I knew it was a possibility, but now it’s going to happen. I’m cool. Totally chill. No big deal.
A totally uncool, not chill at all squeal leaves my mouth without my permission. I roll onto my stomach, and prop my chin on one fist, knees bent, feet swinging away. Excess energy from the rush of excitement must be expelled.
Landon laughs harder.
“Ugh, shut up. I’m excited.”
“I know you are. You’re adorable.” The look on his face and the heat in those green eyes tells me loud and clear he thinks I’m more than adorable. My dick tries to rally, but thankfully, he’s a bit worn out from earlier.
My middle finger pops up in front of my face. I blow him a kiss with it. “Fuck you very much.”
“Don’t tempt me with a good time.” He looks startled by his words. Heat fills me.
Flirtation level up? Don’t mind if I do. I told myself I wouldn’t, that I’d behave, but he just asked for it with that one. I can’t resist the opening he gave me. Tilting my chin down, I bitethe tip of my finger, and look at him through my lashes. “Does that mean you like getting fucked, Landon?”
His lips part as he sucks in a startled breath. Like he’s surprised at my brazenness. Like he expected me to let his comment slide. Not this time.
His cheeks pinken a little, and I watch his Adam’s Apple bob before he answers, “Yes.”
That’s all he says. But it’s enough to make me smile. “Yassss. Me, too, boo. Prostates amirite?”
He laughs a little, some of the tension visibly leaving him. “Hell yeah.”
“Tell me to mind my business if I go too far. My filter isn’t filtering,” I warn him.
“You have a filter?”
Chuckles escape, but I prod further. “Sometimes. Are you strictly a bottom?”