My instincts have to be wrong.
“Skylar! You’re missing your favorite part. I’m watching all this ice humping on my own.”
I’m successfully drawn away from searching the crowd. “It really does look like they’re humping the ice, doesn’t it?” Honestly, they do look a little ridiculous, but my sex-starved brain also finds it extremely hot. The thrusting? Need it, please and thanks.
“See, boo? Hockey is fun. Hockey butts and hip thrusts.”
Once our laughter dissipates, awareness prickles the hairs on my arms. Someone is watching me. The weight of their eyes is heavy.
It’s Spencer, one of my favorite defensemen. In my excitement, my earlier suspicion is temporarily forgotten. My smile widens and I jump up to flash the back of my jersey at him. Using both hands, I’m shaking his name and the number eighteen at him.
When I turn back around and resume my seat, my smile grows. One of the forwards skids to a stop inches away from Spence, spraying him with a nice coating of ice. His jersey identifies him as number seven, Lucas Leighton. They talk briefly, Leighton shoots a quick glance at me and skates away.
Spencer hasn’t broken eye contact with me. A broad smile spreads across lips I may or may not have fantasized about a time or two million. Then he winks at me while skating backwards to rejoin his team. What was that all about?
My brain implodes with the force of my suspicion roaring back to the forefront of my mind. It body slams me into the boards. Not that I know what that feels like, but I imagine it feels like this. The air is gone from my lungs.
That wink.
What the what? Have I really been this blind for all these months?
Oh my god.
Knowing explodes in my gut. There’s no way I’m right.
But IknowI’m right.
Landon Spencer of the Florida Bull Sharks.
The final piece of the puzzle snaps into place and steals my breath.
Holy fucking shit.
My head goes fuzzy for a second, before I reach out and grip Addy’s arm to steady myself. I might just pass out. I lean over and speak loudly into her ear. You know, because we’re at a loud fucking hockey game. “I’m so fucking stupid! Landon istheLandon Spencer, Addy! He winked at me! It’s all adding up now. There’s no way it’s not him.”
“No way! How do you figure? Because he winked at you? That’s not enough evidence.”
“Of course that’s not the only evidence! Listen to this.” Holding up my fist in front of our huddled faces, I start ticking points off on my fingers. “Landon texts me he was held up, but he’d see me soon. Warmups started like right after that.” Up goes another finger. “Landon Spencer. The Florida Bull Sharks. LandonTheBull? Like, seriously! How did I miss such an obvious clue?” Another finger. “He has the ‘hookup’ for tickets. Look at these seats! This looks like a mix of family and friends of the players to me, season ticket holders, and rich folks.” Another finger. “He travels a lot for work, and has a nutritionist to help keep him fit.” Tick. “And he fuckingwinkedat me, Addy! You saw him. What is happening right now?!” I flap my hand, with fingers and thumb raised, in front of her face for dramatic effect. She swats it away and shakes my shoulder.
“Breathe, Sky. Chill out a bit.”
“I am breathing, but I can’t chill. I’m low-key freaking the fuck out.” My breaths are panting rapidly in and out. In and out.
“Nothing low-key about it, Skylar, stop it! If you’re right, then he’s still the same Landon. He’s your friend. He’s just a regular guy who plays hockey.”
“I’m not wrong. I know it.” The words wheeze out of me. Gasping, another piece falls into place. Lucas fucking Leighton is iamNOTyourfather.
Jesus Christ.
No wonder their banter and vibe are familiar. They’re known for playfully bickering during interviews. I’ve watched the footage for years. Their voices are glaringly obvious right now. How did I miss all of the huge ass neon flashing signs? If those clues had been a snake, they would’ve bit me.
Ohmigod. No wonder why he was so nervous to tell me who he is.
“Okay, then freaking breathe through this and listen to me.” Oooh, she’s strong. She's shaking my shoulder like a madwoman and my head is flapping like a bobblehead until I shake myself out of her clutches.