Page 36 of Don't Look Down

He’s someone important to me.

He can’t be more than a friend, though.

Not while Savannah and I are… whatever we are.

What the fuck am I even thinking? These thoughts make no sense, and I sure can’t sort through them on the ice.

I probably look fucking crazy, standing here zoned out and staring at them.

A huge, excited smile breaks out across his face when he sees me.

Fuck. Let the record (a broken record at this point) show that Sky is fucking cute. Gorgeous if I’m allowing myself to be honest. Of course he would be. Because fuck my life.

But that shouldn’t matter.

We’re just friends.

He stands up, turns around, and flashes the back of his jersey at me. Shaking it in two hands to make sure I read the back.

I see the number eighteen on his back first. And above it, Spencer.

Of course.

Jesus. Christ.

How much more can I take before I break into itty bitty pieces?

He’s wearing my name on his back.

That hits me deep for some reason.

Slays me.

My hearing fades and is replaced by a roaring sound that fills my ears and drowns the cacophony of the rapidly filling arena.

Tonight might kill me. If my heart stops, will Sky have to help save me?

The thought is unhinged since we have medical personnel on staff.

Sky is still smiling at me, while I stare at him like a tool.

A spray of shaved ice coats me from the side, and Leigh’s voice reaches my ears.

“C’mon, Spencey,” he says. “Almost game time.”

He jostles me from the side.

“Um, hello. What are we looking at?”

“Sky is here.”

“No fucking way, man. You didn’t tell me? I’m hurt. Things must be getting serious between dad and dad.” Those eyebrows of his bob up and down suggestively.

A laugh inadvertently escapes me. He’s ridiculous. “Fuck off, Leigh.”

“C’mon, man. Let’s do this, but you owe me a story afterwards.”

Sucking in a huge breath, Leigh’s words have drawn me back to the moment. I glance at his retreating form, before I turn back to smirk at Sky. He’s watching me. His head tilts curiously, like maybe he’s discovered a disturbance in the force.