“Sky, babe. You have to tell me what’s wrong? Where are you? Share your location right now.”
A sob leaves me, and she yells, “Sky! Take a breath and talk to me right now. I need you to talk to me. Let me help.”
It takes a few tries, but I manage to get the words out, “Bring Cayden. It’s Andrew.”
“What?! Is he going to be okay?”
That does it. My tears overflow, my cries audible.
Her breath catches. “Sky. No.”
“H-he’s gone, Ad-addy.”
Time passes at a snail's pace. My hands are trembling, and I can’t make them stop. I’m curled up in a chair in the corner of the deserted waiting room, knees pulled up to my chest. The guys from DZPB have come and gone, dropping off my gear and car and sitting with me for a few.
Addy texted me a while ago that she’d picked up Cayden and they were on their way. Just the thought of looking him in the eye causes nausea to swirl in my gut. I’m tempted to leave. I let his fiancé die.
I flinch when a commotion in the hallway reaches my ears. I stand on shaky legs to greet Addy and Cayden, my hands are trembling, so I cross my arms tightly over my stomach.
Cayden enters the room first, his normally well-groomed hair disheveled like he’s spent the last hour running his hands through the strands and holding on for dear life. His face is pale and tear streaked. His face crumbles when he sees me, eyes filling with tears.
“Sky–” his voice breaks, hand covering his mouth as he shakes his head. “This isn’t really happening. He can’t be dead. Tell me there’s been a mistake.”
My mouth opens, but the words fail to leave my mouth.
Twelve forty-one.
I shake my head, and Cayden sways. Addy rushes up behind him, wrapping her arm around him and rubbing his back. I should join them, but I’m frozen, caught in this moment witnessing my friend’s devastation.
My fault. I could have stopped this. Why didn’t I ask Frankie more questions?
Addy’s tear-filled eyes meet mine, and she shakes her head at me. My hands cover my mouth to hold in my own sobs.
Cayden’s shoulders heave, but he gulps in a breath and lifts his head. “What happened? He’s been skydiving practically every day for over ten years. He knew what he was doing. How could this have happened? It doesn’t make any fucking sense.”
Stick to the facts, Sky. That’s the only way you’ll get through this.
“It wasn’t a skydiving accident-”
“What?! What else could it have been?” he interrupts, disbelief heavy in his voice.
“Based on what Frankie and I witnessed, it seems like he had a medical emergency not long after deploying his canopy. He missed the dropzone and hit the ground full speed.”
“Oh god.” His eyes squeeze closed, and he shakes his head. “That doesn’t make any sense at all. This has to be a joke, Sky. What could have happened? He washealthy.”
“Cayden, honey, I wish to god this was a joke. I’d take it back if I could. But it does happen. Considering the circumstances, there will be a full autopsy to confirm the cause of death. The results should be back in a few weeks.”
He shakes his head again, glances at Addy then insists, “There wasn’t anything wrong with him.”
Addy and I share a look. Walking closer to him, I reach out and grip his arm in a gesture I hope is comforting.
“Looking back, in hindsight, there were signs something neurological was going on.” I say the words quietly, and as gently as possible.
“Like what?”