Tension fills the space between us, radiating off Frankie in waves.
Conversation is minimal, limited to Cayden. Andrew gushes about the wedding and it warms my heart to hear how excited he is.
Gary yells, “Get the fuck outta my plane, guys.”
All three of us laugh. Typical Gary.
Frankie pushes between us in the limited space and scoots to the door. He grabs the upper handle and moves out onto the step. My hair tickles my face, the wind loud, tugging and pulling at my clothes.
Then Frankie lets go, dropping backward into a backflip. Andrew salutes me and leaps out into a front flip.
They’re immediately gone from sight. My stomach drops. My hands tingle and dread fills me.Something’s wrong.
Creeping closer, I lean out. Logically, I know I won’t see them, and I’m right. Nothing but fluffy clouds and glimpses of the ground below.
The longer I hesitate, the farther apart we’ll be.
“Sky!” Gary’s voice makes me jump. “Git, if you’re gonna go.”
Inhaling a breath, I take the leap. Jumping into the air, gliding. Embracing the fall. That familiar feeling is welcome. The rush fills me up to the brim.
My dread momentarily disappears.
I flip in the air a few times, enjoying the moment, walking on air. Finally, I shift into the belly down position, slowing my descent. I need eyes on Frankie and Andrew. The last thing I need to do is plummet into one of their canopies because I’m not paying attention.
Looking down, I spot Frankie’s. My eyes trace the sky, searching.
I don’t see Andrew’s parachute. My heart skips a beat, my eyes frantically searching for him.
A pop of color off to the side catches my attention. My breath leaves me in a whoosh when I realize it’s his canopy being deployed. His descent slows.
All is well. My altimeter beeps, and I deploy my own canopy, then settle in for the blissful cruise back to earth.
The closer we get to the ground, the more apparent it becomes that something’s gone wrong. Andrew isn’t steering toward the drop zone.
Frankie, on the other hand, lands right on target. His canopy slowly settles behind him.
Andrew still isn’t changing directions. I grab the toggles and adjust my direction and speed, trying my best to reach him to see what’s wrong.
We’re too close to the ground. Descending dangerously fast. The ground is rushing up to meet me. There’s a fine line between helping Andrew and putting myself in danger.
Slowing my speed, I adjust my trajectory to land in the drop zone. I won’t be right on target, but I’ll be pretty damn close.
Frankie is running across the bright green grass. The color is oddly vivid. His arms wave at Andrew, but still, Andrew’s canopy travels aimlessly closer and closer to the ground.
Too fast. He’s going too fast.
Time stands still. I brace myself for an impact that’s not mine.
Andrew’s canopy collapses, along with my stomach, when he slams into the ground. My heart fucking stops beating in my chest. I’m done for. My vision tunnels and I temporarily lose hearing.
Is this what a panic attack feels like?Self-preservation and training rise up.
My heart resumes a rapid-fire beat. I’m panting, nearly hyperventilating. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
My hearing returns abruptly with the whooshing of the wind in my ears.
Frankie is screaming. I can hear him. I’m almost there.