Page 103 of Don't Look Down

“Okay, Skylar.” She winks at me. And fuck. My heart pinches in my chest. I don’t have it in me to correct her. “And none of that ma’am business. Call me Annie, okay?”

I automatically nod at her no-nonsense tone. There’s no denying this woman.

“So you’re the one keeping my son away from his mother.” It’s not a question. My eyes fly up to hers. They’re still narrowed on me in contemplation.

“What? I… Um. No. I would never,” My words trip all over themselves.

The sparkle in her green eyes gives her away right before she busts up laughing. My tension leaves me in a rush, shoulders finally dropping away from my ears when my laughter joins hers.

She rubs my arm. The look on her face is soft and kind. “Better?” I nod. “Good. Now take a breath and relax, okay?”

I’m powerless to do anything but follow her directive. My chest rises with my inhale, and I hold it in, then slowly release it. And repeat.

“Much better.” Her smile is huge. Proud. “You were so tense it was stressing me out. I had to pull you out of it somehow.”

She has me laughing again and I’ve only been standing here for about two minutes. I think I already love her.

“Oh my god, did it work! I’m not a nervous person. I can talk to anyone, but I was low-key freaking out.”

“Nothing low-key about it.” She sends me a mocking side-eye that makes me laugh.

I sigh. “You’ll forever call me on my shit, huh?”

“No doubt about it.” She smirks.

My grin lights up my face, my cheeks trying their best to reach my ears. I probably look crazy, but oh well. “Fantastic. I think I’ll keep you.”

She rests her head on my shoulder. “Likewise. Anyone who makes my son as happy as you do will always have a special place in my heart.” Her voice is a little thick with emotion and her fist is clenched above her heart. “He deserves the world.”

My voice softens and thickens with matching sentiment. “Yes. He really does. And I intend to give Landon everything. He’s the best person I know, aside from my abuela.”

She nods against my shoulder. Affection seems to come easy to her. It’s obvious this is where Landon gets it from. My heart swells.

“I’m going to need to meet her.”

I smile. “Yes,claro. Ella me matará-” Abruptly, I remember and cut myself off. “Ay, sorry, it’s automatic sometimes when I’m thinking or talking about her. It’s a habit. But she’ll kill me if I don’t introduce you all.”

She turns her head and looks up at me. “Speak freely. I understand a lot more than I could ever speak. I’ve picked up alot working in the medical field. If anything goes over my head, I’ll just ask you to translate for me.” She sends me a devilish smile. “And I know for a fact, my son is obsessed with you speaking Spanish.”

That gets me. Landon is the cutest fucking thing ever. He told his mom? My smile is equally devilish, and I pull out a fake southern accent. “Why thank you kindly for this ammunition, Miss Annie. I shall endeavor to use it against our dear Landon every chance that I get.”

Her smile grows.

Honestly, it’s crazy to think I was nervous to meet her. Our conversation flows effortlessly. We have so much in common in regard to our careers. Movies. Our love of hockey. Even music.

I’m relaxed back in my seat, completely in my element and enjoying every second of my time with Annie.

The Bull Sharks take to the ice for warmups with the usual fanfare. The New York Tycoons are introduced sedately in comparison.

Landon studiously avoids looking anywhere at us during his warm up routine.

“Superstitions.” I shrug at her.

“I know, right?” she retorts.

Landon is on the ice stretching, limbering up his hips with frog stretches and that damn thrusting. Dammit.

I can’t watch.