Page 81 of Don't Look Down

“Babe, where in the actual eff have you been hiding all that ink?” Her hand gestures to his chest, then his leg. “Seriously, Sky! Do a little turn. I’m gonna need to see how high it goes. Unless you’re shy?”

“Who, me?” He strikes a pose with a hand perched on his chest, the other on his hip. “Shy?! Boo, have you met me?” He turns away from us and his ass is just about level with my face as he slides the edge of his swimsuit down, baring his round left ass cheek.

I don’t know if I want to choke Savannah or thank her. His smooth tan skin is most definitely tattooed.

His ass. Is tattooed.

My hands dig into Savannah’s hips, holding her in place on my cock. It’s throbbing. Begging for relief.

My dick flexes and a bead of precum leaks out the head. I can feel the moisture in my swimsuit. Savannah shifts to let me know she felt my cock jump against her ass.

This is such a mind-fuck. She’s turning me on on purpose. Getting me all worked up for Sky.

I’m not sure what she’s playing at.

“Excuse me, sir. You’re delicious. Practically tatted from head to toe. I could just eat you up.”

Sky’s eyes jump to mine when she says that. Like he’s worried “my woman” said something that would piss me off. Quite the opposite. It just makes me think about how badly I want to carry him off somewhere so I can peel those shorts all the way off and eat him up myself. Wring him out and drain him dry. I’d swallow every last drop.

“Hey,” Megan’s voice interrupts my X-rated thoughts. “Your line work looks familiar. Who’s your tattoo artist?” She’s leaning forward, examining Sky’s tattoos.

Sky’s head swings to face her. “Maverick King. Know him?”

Megan and Murdock both smile. “I knew it!” she proclaims. “But yeah, I know Maverick. He’s my brother.”

“No shit. He’s awesome.”

She glows with happiness. “He really is talented. And an amazing human on top of that.”

“Her brother is her favorite person,” Murdock adds. “Just in case you couldn’t tell.”

She twists toward him, tickling his ribs. “He’soneof my favorite people. You’re both tied for that honor.”

Murdock is trying his best not to laugh at his wife’s antics, but it’s a losing battle. He finally grabs her hands and pulls her onto his lap for a kiss. She melts into him, and he grabs a handful of her ass cheek, pulling her against his dick for a slow grind. Her moan is quite audible.

Sky is fanning himself as he watches them make out and grind against each other. “Oh, yum. Even this gay boy can appreciate all of that.”

Is there no mercy for me?I may die of blue balls.

A wolf whistle pierces the air. “Hey, nobody told me the newbie was putting on a free show. I would’ve been first in line.” Leigh’s words are like a bucket of ice water. Murdock and Megan break apart. I barely catch a glimpse of her swollen lips before she hides her flushed face in Murdock’s shoulder.

Murdock shoots a totally unrepentant smile our way. “Fuck, sorry guys. My wife is irresistible. I forgot myself for a moment.”

“Hey, don’t let us stop you.” Savannah gestures at them. “Please. By all means, continue.”

Megan pops up. “On that note, I’m quite parched. I need more water. Anyone else want anything?” She rushes off to grab the drinks.

Murdock shrugs. “She’s a bit shy, but I’d be down.”

“Ooh, an exhibitionist. A man after my own heart,” Leigh jokes.



Sitting in the sun for so many hours yesterday was draining. I should be sleeping right now. But I’m restless. Savannah is asleep, curled up next to me, breathing deep and rhythmic. The sound is comforting and soothing. It should help me sleep, but it doesn’t. I’m wide awake.

Leigh drove Addy home in her car, then caught an Uber to his place. It turns out they live the closest to each other.