“Right? Absolutely awful name, but totally delicious.”
We enter the kitchen and there’s Leigh, standing at the stove right next to Sky. He’s practically salivating over the pot he’s stirring under Sky’s watchful eye.
“Hey, fucker, what are you doing here already?” My question is directed at Leigh and he looks over his shoulder at me with a massive shit-eating grin on his face.
“Sky said I could come over early if I wanted to.”
“You asked to come over early, didn’t you?” It’s such a Leigh thing to do.
His grin grows, “Yup.” He pops the ‘p’. “And Sky said yes.”
Shaking my head, I turn to Sky, my lips turn up in a gentle smile. “Hey, Sky.”
“Hey, boo.” He flashes straight white teeth my way, those luscious lips smiling widely. He places his hand on my hip and kisses my cheek.
When he turns back to the stove, the peanut gallery is staring at me, both grinning like jackasses.Oh my god. Is everyone against me?
Addy breaks the silence. “So Luc here asked to come over early so he could learn all about cookingropa vieja.”
“Yeah, Landon, he asked me what I was cooking for dinner and when I told him, he offered to help in exchange for me teaching him how to cook it.”
Leigh’s nodding like a bobble head, full of childlike excitement. “Fuck yeah.Ropa viejais one of my favorites. I dated this Cuban girl years ago. She refused to teach me how to cook it. Like that would make me stay and deal with her toxic behavior. Pfft. Sky is making my dreams come true.” He places his hand on Sky’s shoulder and gives him a gentle shake.
“Okay, so what is it?” I look over Sky’s shoulder into the pot. Fragrant steam hits my face. The scent has me salivating. “And what’s that leaf doing in your pot?”
He swats my shoulder like I’m being ridiculous. It’s a legitimate question.
“It’s a bay leaf.Ropa viejais shredded flank steak simmered with garlic, onions, and green peppers in a tomato sauce. Served over rice, preferably. Personally, I drench my plate in the sauce.”
“Me too,” Addy chimes in.
Leigh raises his hand. “Me three. So fucking good.”
“I did bring salad, though, to kind of balance out the heaviness,” she adds.
The doorbell rings, and Addy bustles off to grab the door. “That’s gotta be Cayden and Andrew.”
“Duh.” Sky rolls his eyes behind her.
“Fuck off, Skylar.”
“Right back at you, Adeline Marie,” he calls sweetly.
Cayden is just as adorable and gorgeous in person as he is in pictures. He’s just a tad shorter than Leigh. And Andrew looks just as sketchy in person as he did in his photo. But I acknowledge I may be biased, based on what I know. I shaketheir hands. Cayden looks a bit shell shocked when he actually looks at Leigh and me.
He gasps. “No fucking way! Are you shitting me?”
Andrew sets a hand on his lower back and glances at us. His smile is polite, but vacant. Zero recognition on his face. “What’s going on, sweetie?”
What? Is he serious?I remember Sky telling me he’d given Andrew a heads up we’d be here.
Leigh holds his hand out to Cayden. “I’m Lucas Leighton. Landon and I play for the Florida Bull Sharks.”
His voice cracks, and he nods. “I know who you are. Cayden James. And this is my fiancé, Andrew Adams.” He’s staring at Leigh, and Leigh’s smile grows. He loves seeing the different reactions from different fans.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he tells Cayden.
“Likewise.” Leigh shifts and holds his hand out for Andrew to shake, while I greet Cayden.