It’s cute.
His focus has a way of making me feel seen. Important. Like I’m the only thing on his mind. Which is crazy when he admits his mind is constantly going.
When he's working, there’s a noticeable lack of messages. My gut clenches and I lie to myself that the absence doesn’t leave me disappointed on those nights. But I can’t even fool myself.
Sky has a life. I know this. I’m not foolish or delusional enough to think I’m the center of his world or anything. Even if he does make me feel that way. Like nothing else matters in his world. Just me.It’s not that serious, Spence.
But damn, does he make me feel special.
Mom and Pops have both messaged. Mom congratulates us on a game well-played and from Pops a message acknowledging how hard we fought for that win. I send them both a quick reply. God, I love my family. They put a smile on my face.
Now that I’ve been a responsible son and grandson, it’s time for Sky.
Sky’s the Limit: Guess what I did today?
Sky’s the Limit: It’s probably better if I just show you.
Sky’s the Limit: BUT. Prepare yourself, boo.
Sky’s the Limit: Possible trigger incoming. If the first one is too much, don’t look at the others.
Sky’s the Limit: You’ve been warned.
He’s sent a handful of blurred pictures.Well, I never would’ve thought to try to send pictures with the invisible ink function.Each image is dark gray with a fluid snowy white effect overtop.
“Ooh, okay, Sky,somysterious.” My voice surprises me, but the sarcasm in my tone does not. I glance around surreptitiously to see if any of my teammates noticed me talking to myself. All clear so far.
Based on the evidence, Sky must have gone on a jump. That’s the only possibility that makes sense. What else would possibly trigger me? I’m unprepared for the way my stomach drops at the thought of seeing him skydiving. He could’ve gotten hurt.Do I really want to see these pictures?Emotions war within me. This is something he loves. It brings him joy, and he’s trying to share it with me.
Nerves fill me, I pace back and forth from the wall to the bench. Bench to the wall and back again.
Nut up and at least look at the first one. It’s the least I can do. If I can’t handle that one, then I won’t look at the rest. It’s simple.
Inhaling a huge breath, I start swiping my finger repeatedly over the first image until it clears.
It’s pretty harmless to start. Sky is standing in front of what has to be the smallest airplane on Earth. Jesus Christ. An actual nightmare come to life.
His pose draws my attention and makes me smile. He’s glowing with happiness.
That wasn’t so bad. I can do this.I swipe my fingers over the next batch.
Sky doesn’t quite look like himself in this one. He’s sitting on the floor of what I assume is that same tiny ass airplane. There’s a bit of a glare next to him, but it looks like the door is open.There’s a tightness around his mouth and eyes. His smile looks forced. Uncomfortable.
It doesn’t sit right with me. This is his happy place. He should look happy.
I scroll to the next one, and there’s the Sky I expect to see. He’s braced just outside the door, one hand holding on above his head. The other is up in a “hang loose” sign. Winking with his tongue out, he gives no fucks that he’s thousands of miles above the ground. It’s obvious he’s excited to jump.
I’m trying to keep my focus on him, but I’m failing. The background draws my attention. A wave of dizziness hits me, and I force my eyes back to Sky. In the next one, he’s on the ground, parachute splayed out behind him. He landed safely. Thank Christ.
No shit, Spencer. If he texted, he obviously landed safely.My rational brain knows this, but the piece of me steeped in fear, feels nothing but relief seeing photo confirmation.
My weak knees fold under me and my ass hits the bench behind me. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
A tingling spreads from my fingertips up to my elbows. Inhale through my nose. Out through my mouth. Rinse and repeat.
“You good, Spence?” Of course fucking Leigh would finally finish showering.
My mouth gapes like a fish out of water. His eyebrow raises, and he gazes at me expectantly.