Page 51 of Don't Look Down



The last few weeks flew by. A few days ago, I went to the Bull Sharks game against Ottawa. Solo this time, but in no way was I actually alone. I’m a social creature to begin with, and in that arena, I was in my element. Surrounded by other fans. Talking and cheering. Lots of cheering. Our boys played well and won.

Landon got an assist in the second period. It was a beautiful play that made me scream like a banshee. A pass of the puck to LeBlanc, a center, then a badass wrister right over their goalie’s shoulder and into the net. He totally made eye contact with me afterwards, a wide smile on his face.

We didn’t hang out after the game, but we did hop onCall of Dutyfor about an hour.

My schedule hasn’t allowed me to go to more games than that just yet. I would’ve given my left nut to see them play Boston next, but it wasn’t possible. They lost that game in overtime five to four. One point added to their standings is better than none, though. Another step closer to the playoffs.

I’ve been reviewing their upcoming games, and after All-Stars week, I’lI be able to make it to two Thursday games in a row. Excited is an understatement. If I could will time to move faster, I would.

My life feels like it’s taken such a turn. It’s difficult to wrap my head around everything. I’m friends with Landon Spencer of the Florida Bull Sharks. And Lucas Leighton, too.

How? I pinch myself to see if I’m dreaming, which probably isn’t too safe while driving, but the sharp sting assures me this is reality.

I love it here.

Fingers crossed and prayers up to the hockey gods that they’ll beat the New York Empires tonight. They’re pretty evenly matched based on rank, but I have faith in our boys. New York actually has two NHL teams. They’ll be playing the Tycoons at home within the next few weeks.

My wandering thoughts are brought to a screeching halt when a car speeds past me and cuts me off. It narrowly avoids clipping my front bumper. My blood pressure spikes along with my heart rate. “Gahh!Mojón.Stupid bastard, you’re going to get someone killed. Where’s a cop when you need one?”

I’m driving five miles per hour over the speed limit as it is, but that's not fast enough to satisfy these people. Ugh. Reckless drivers piss me off. Yes, I’m technically speeding, but I’m not weaving in and out of traffic like a maniac. After thoroughly checking my mirrors to ensure no other cars are bearing down on me, I slowly start to relax. My body sinks back into my seat as the tension seeps away.

I’m currently driving up to Drop Zone Palm Beach. It’s about an hour or so north. Even though there are closer centers, it’s my preferred spot, with its spectacular view of Lake Okeechobee. Aside from their center near Key West.

If I wanted to, I could’ve driven down there for a few days. I should have. It would’ve been so easy to head straight down after getting off work a few hours ago. It’s only a three-hour drive. But my goal is to be home in time to watch Landon’s game live. He seems to enjoy seeing my play-by-play text reactions afterwards. It’s my new habit. If I’m not working, I’m watching live and texting him. It makes me feel closer to him, when I can’t show my support in person.

That’s a perfectly normal friend behavior. Nothing weird here.

I’ll just ignore the fact I could easily watch his game if I were in the Keys, too.

This week, for the first time in forever, the weather has been perfect for skydiving. No weather holds today. It’s no happy coincidence I’ll be seeing Andrew at Drop Zone. I’d texted him to see if he’d be there. My plan is to put some feelers out and get his opinion on the wedding planning, and see when he and Cayden can come by for dinner. Cayden still hasn’t gotten back to me on that, even though we have been texting a bit more than usual.

It feels like he’s avoiding it, which I hate. Like, why? Just come over and let me feed you, bitch.

Watching him stuff down his emotions and try to convince himself he’s on board with Andrew’s plan for the wedding? There’s been little things here and there that have made me itchy, but this one with the wedding is the worst.

I mean, everyone compromises over which restaurant to eat at for dinner at one point or another. That’s not a big deal. But when it becomes a habit? Where Cayden would previously exuberantly express a craving for ribs or a juicy burger, he now quietly picks a place Andrew would love instead. Like a sushi spot. The man doesn’t eat seafood!

Am I overreacting? Maybe. But I don’t think so. This is just one example. He’s shoving himself into an Andrew-shaped box and I want to unpack him so bad.

Maybe Cayden doesn’t know how to retain his sense of self? Andrew is his first serious relationship after all.

He’s perfect as he is and losing any piece of himself over anyone is a tragedy I refuse to allow. I mean, I’m honestly trying my best not to meddle. The last thing I want to do is harm my friendship with either man, but I can’t quite force myself to let it go.

This is me aiming for a happy medium.

Essentially, I’ll be killing three birds with one stone, not just two.

That’s a win.

The DZ is located off the highway on a huge field of well-manicured grass. I’ve been told it’s a lot of work mowing the entire property. It’s a necessity, though. It’s a potential safety hazard if the landing area gets overgrown.

The hangar itself is one of the largest I’ve been in. All three of their planes fit comfortably inside. They have two Cessna 182s for smaller groups, and one Cessna Caravan for larger groups. It’s a long, rectangular steel building, with three oversized hangar doors spanning from the middle of the building to the far left. The doors are all open; they’re vertical bifold so they open up and out. On the right side, there’s a set of glass double doors and floor-to-ceiling windows for patrons to watch the sky. It’s pretty impressive.

After I park my black Midnight Edition Equinox in the side lot, I grab my gear from the back, then head inside through the double doors.