Page 89 of The Men of Sea View

“If you’re going to quote childhood clichés, make sure you know the entire saying. The answer to that is satisfaction brought it back.”

Tony chuckled and then looked at Kassandra, the wheels of debate obviously turning. “Yes, I showered with her.”

An epic flash of heat flowed over her. Maybe she needed this to come to terms with the deception. She felt like she’d given in a little too fast. At Lisa’s house, watching Tony throwing the football around with abandon had struck a chord. He wasn’t suffering. Did she deserve a little pleasure watching him squirm?

“I saw you on the beach playing today. It looked like fun.”

He aimed the remote at the TV and shut it off. “I enjoyed being with my brother.”

“Tell me more about Janine.”


“No. Did you go down on her?”

“Really, Kassandra?” he asked, nostrils flaring.

“I want to know. Is there anything special about what we do?”

He got up to take his tray into the kitchen. “Everything we do is special, Kassie. You’re the best piece of ass I’ve ever had.”

“You’re sick.”

“Sex is sex, if two people do it or dogs do it. The only thing that makes it different is because we love each other. Because I love you.”

She glared at him, tapping her nails on the tray. He disappeared into the back of the kitchen. Anger like she’d never felt before swept over her. So odd it was happening now, almost twenty-four hours after the secret had been revealed. She’d quit her job, dealt with Louis’s BS, bought this expensive house, and moved an hour away from everything she knew.

Reentering the living room, Tony tried to reach for Kassandra, but she pushed him away.

“We’ve never fought before,” he said. “This is weird.”

“Maybe we should have. Maybe you should have said, ‘Stop working so much or I’m going to turn to Janine again.’”

“That’s not why I did it.”

“Explain that to me.”

“It was there. The path of least resistance. Why not? You weren’t home, you were self-sufficient. I felt like getting my rocks off.”

“Oh God, that is so disgusting. So, you have little self-control. You can’t say to yourself,I’ll go home and clean the house, cook dinner, shop, get Kassie’s car washed, read a book, take up a hobby, anything but have sex with that skank!”

“You’re mad. I knew it was too good to be true.”

“I guess I am. I thought I’d get away with just letting it go, but I decided not to fight my true feelings. I’m not sure what I’ll do next. Right now, I don’t want you in my bed.”


“I think I’ll take a walk.”

“It’s dark out.”

“And I’m thirty-nine years old. I’ll take a walk if I want.”

Coats hung on a rack in the mudroom, but that would mean walking by Tony again, so she backtracked to the hall closet and got an old ski jacket from college days that still had ancient lift tickets from Southern California ski resorts stapled to the zipper pull.

The wind whipped up when she opened the sliding doors that led from her bedroom to the terrace. Pulling the hood over her head, she tied the ties, tucking her hair in. With no destination in mind, she headed south. After about fifteen minutes, she came to Andy and Sandra’s cottage. The light from a cigarette glowed in the dark. Blue flames danced in the fire pit.

“Sandra?” she softly called out.